

October 10, 2007

Politkovskaya memorial event in Bergen

Anna Politkovskaya was a fearless journalist who sought justice for victims of human rights abuses through her words. On October 7, 2006, she became a victim herself when she was murdered, many believe, in retribution for her work. Last Sunday on October 7 Politkovskaya was remembered in many places around the world. Rafto Foundation took initiative for memorial event in Bergen. (10-OCT-07)

October 10, 2007

Free Burma demonstration in Bergen

On Saturday 6 October global demonstrations of support for Burma were held in many cities all over the world. The Rafto Foundation in co-operation with Amnesty International Norway and the Campaign Committee for Burma in Norway organized a demonstration in the city centre of Bergen. (10-OCT-07)

October 10, 2007

Azeri human rights defenders participated at PACE session

Four human rights defenders of Republic of Azerbaijan took part in fall session of PACE. Having met with a number of representatives from different PACE representatives, the human rights defenders stressed the poor human rights records, especially in the area of the freedom of speech and freedom of assembly. (11-OCT-07)

October 8, 2007

IA: PeaceTalks Discussion on the South Caucasus

Alert’s recent PeaceTalks event brought together civil society leaders to share their first-hand perspectives on the conflict between Armenian and Azerbaijanis over Nagorny Karabakh. Among the panelists of the event was Avaz Hasanov (right), Head of the Centre for Humanitarian Research, a member of the Human Rights House Republic of Azerbaijan. (04-OCT-07)

October 8, 2007

Members of HRH Azerbaijan participated in OSCE Warsaw Meeting

The annual Human Dimension Implementation Meeting (HDIM) 2007 was organized on 25 September – 05 October in Warsaw. A statement on human rights and the media situation was made public at the meeting by Fuad Hasanov from Democracy Monitor, member of the HRH Republic of Azerbaijan. (08-OCT-07) 

October 8, 2007

Another Saturday, another rally for support for Burma in Bergen

On Saturday 6 October global demonstrations of support for Burma were held in many cities all over the world. The Rafto Foundation in co-operation with Amnesty International Norway and the Campaign Committee for Burma in Norway organized a demonstration in the city centre of Bergen. (08-OCT-07)

October 7, 2007

One More Journalist Beaten

For last year there are received numerous reports about the cases of intimidation and harassment to mass media representatives. The long list of attacks, arrests, threats is complemented by one more new case – the case of journalist Hakimeldostu Mehdiyev (right), the Nakhichevan correspondent of “Yeni Musavat” Newspaper, who was detained and heavily beaten by Police and representatives of the National Sceurity Ministry. (01-OCT-07)

October 5, 2007

Human rights NGO’s offices in Gomel searched by KGB

Today, the human rights NGO Law Initiative´s offices in the city of Gomel were visited by four KGB officers, carrying a search warrant for documents and information related to the youth activist Andrei Tinuta´s case. Meanwhile, Leodnind Soudalenka, a human rights defender working for Law Initiative, attended ODIHR / OSCE´s Human Dimension Implementation Meeting in Warsaw. HRH F addresses the timing of the search, questioning whether KGB tries to link Soudalenka to Tinuta´s case. (05-OCT-07)

October 5, 2007

Belarus: Human rights NGO’s office searched by KGB

Four KGB officers visited the office of the human rights NGO Law Initiative today, searching for information related to the youth activist Andrei Tinuta´s case. Meanwhile, Leodnind Soudalenka, a human rights defender working for Law Initiative, attended the ODIHR / OSCE meeting in Warsaw. HRH F questions whether KGB tries to link Soudalenka to Tinuta´s case, thereby undermining his credibility at the Warsaw meeting and in general. (05-OCT-07)

October 4, 2007

Burma – Global Demonstration of Support

The demonstrators are chased off the streets, the cameras confiscated, but the suffering continues in Burma (Republic of the Union of Myanmar). Now the activists and their supporters are collected one by one in the night; to imprisonment, torture, death. On Saturday, 6 October there will be global demonstrations of support for democracy in Burma (Republic of the Union of Myanmar), also in Bergen. (04-OCT-07)

October 4, 2007

OSCE/ODIHR will after all observe elections in Poland

On 21 September, the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MSZ) informed that Republic of Poland had refused to grant consent for OSCE/ODHIR observers to come to the Parliamentary elections that are scheduled for 21 October 2007. The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Anna Fotyga, assessed on that occasion that the note submitted to Republic of Poland regarding the observers’ arrival is an “inappropriate document”. As she emphasized, “Poland is a country with a stable democracy”. The OSCE itself considered the refusal as unprecedented. (04-OTC-07)

October 4, 2007

Peace talks discussion for South Caucasus in London

International Alert’s recent PeaceTalks event brought together civil society leaders to share their first-hand perspectives on the conflict between Armenian and Azerbaijanis over Nagorny Karabakh. Among the panelists of the event was Avaz Hasanov, right, Head of the Centre for Humanitarian Research, a member of the Human Rights House Republic of Azerbaijan. (04-OCT-07)