

October 29, 2007

Need to decrease tension and preserve peace in Bosnia-Hercegovina

The non-governmental organizations gathered around the Human Rights House of Sarajevo have expressed great concern with the complication of political relations in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the rise of inter-ethnic tensions. (29-OCT-07)

October 29, 2007

Russia’s ‘Civil pool’ announces its self-dissolution

Early in October the so called “Civil pool”, a coalition of public organizations, established to control the election process to the State Duma on 2 December, announced its self-dissolution. It happened after Vladimir Putin made a statement to head the party “United Russia”. The “Pool” was created in spring 2007 by initiative of Ella Pamfilova, right, the Chairman of the Civil Society Institutions and Human Rights Council under the President of the Russian Federation. (29-OCT-2007)

October 27, 2007

Belarusian Supreme Court dismisses Viasna’s claim

The Supreme Court of the Republic of Belarus considered the Ministry of Justice refusal to register Human Rights Association “Viasna” warrantable. The trial was open. The Belarusian democratic society has no doubts in a political way to resolve the question. (27-OCT-07)

October 26, 2007

Thursday Club gets underway in Warsaw

The ´Thursday Club´ [Klub Czwartkowy] was officially opened on Monday, 8 October 2007. The meetings are a new initiative of the Young Journalists Association POLIS, a member organisation of the HR House in Warsaw, and are partially linked with the journalist workshops organized by this association. The club members’ meetings are held every week and Halina Bortnowska is their animator.(26-OCT-07)

October 26, 2007

Freedom of speech organisations applaud ‘sea change’ from new British PM

ARTICLE 19, English PEN and Index on Censorship welcome the UK Prime Minister’s commitment to liberty, set out in his 25 October speech. Gordon Brown’s promise to respect and extend freedom of assembly, freedom of the press and the public right to know marks a sea change in government attitudes towards these fundamental rights. (26-OCT-07)

October 26, 2007

The Thursday Club gets underway in Warsaw

The ´Thursday Club´ [Klub Czwartkowy] was officially opened on Monday, 8 October 2007. The meetings are a new initiative of the Young Journalists Association POLIS, a member of the HR House in Warsaw, and are partially linked with the journalist workshops organized by this association. The club members’ meetings are held every week and Halina Bortnowska is their animator. (26-OCT-07)

October 25, 2007

Burmese-Norwegian statement on Burma

On the occasion of UN Day on 24 October and the 12th anniversary of Aung San Suu Kyi’s (right) detention, the Burmese people in Norway express their deep concern regarding the current situation in Burma (Republic of the Union of Myanmar). While many in the world are enjoying fundamental rights, Burmese citizens are being arbitrarily arrested and tortured for attempting to practice freedom of expression, freedom of association, and freedom of assembly. (25-OCT-07)

October 25, 2007

Burmese-Norwegian statement on Burma

On the occasion of UN Day on 24 October and the 12th anniversary of Aung San Suu Kyi’s (right) detention, the Burmese people in Norway express their deep concern regarding the current situation in Burma (Republic of the Union of Myanmar). While many in the world are enjoying fundamental rights, Burmese citizens are being arbitrarily arrested and tortured for attempting to practice freedom of expression, freedom of association, and freedom of assembly. (25-OCT-07)

October 25, 2007

Members of HRH Network support re-registration of “Viasna”

Members of the Human Rights House Network from six different countries express their deep concern regarding freedom of association in the Republic of Belarus and urge the Belarusian Supreme Court  to withdraw the refusual by the Ministry of Justice of re-registration of the human rights center “Viansa”. Read the statement below. (25-OCT-07)

October 23, 2007

Condoleezza Rice met with Russian human rights activists in Moscow

13 October, as a part of the official visit to the Russian Federation, the United States Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice (right) met with the Russian human rights activists and Media. On the agenda there were a discussion of contemporary situation with human rights in the Russian Federation and freedom of speech, vital issues in judiciary, a new law on NGOs and situation in the Northern Caucasus (23-OCT-07).

October 22, 2007

Three years since Belarusian journalist Veranika Cherkasova was murdered

Three years ago, 20 October 2004, the opposition Belarusian journalist Veranika Cherkasova was found stabbed in her apartment in Minsk.  Her relatives and colleagues still did not get the clear answer who was guilty in her death. They do not exclude she could be murdered for her professional activity:  Veranika wrote a lot about special forces activity and covered  Belarusian and Iraqi relationships during Hussein period. (21-OCT-07)

October 22, 2007

European March in Belarus

On October 14, European March, the mass action of Belarusian democratic forces, took place in Minsk.  Up to 10000 people expressed their wish for Republic of Belarus to join European Union. Authorities preliminarily detained some tens of young people. There were no detentions during the action itself. (15-OCT-07)