

November 19, 2007

HRH Network meeting in Nairobi calls for action for democracy in Burma

“We, the delegates attending the annual meeting for the Human Rights House Network, express our concern regarding the situation in Burma (Republic of the Union of Myanmar). We urge the international community, with emphasis on the role of the EU, UNSC and ASEAN, to work to prevent Burma´s situation from returning to status quo”. Thus began a statement that was signed by all delegates to the HRH network meeting in Nairobi last week. To read the full statement, see below. (19-NOV-07) 

November 19, 2007

Helsinki Foundation in Poland honoured for promoting tolerance

On 16 November, the Ecumenical Foundation “Tolerance” honored the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights for “outstanding achievements in promoting idea of tolerance” by awarding it a diploma and the “Deserved for Tolerance” medal. The awarding ceremony takes place each year during the International Tolerance Day set by UNESCO.(19-NOV-07)

November 15, 2007

Georgia’s crackdown on the media

Georgian president Mikheil Saakashvili decreed a state of emergency after the violent dispersal of anti-government protests, ordering the shutdown of independent media outlets and deploying troops throughout Tblisi. Journalists have felt the heat during the recent upheaval. (9-NOV-07) 

November 13, 2007

Inaugural session of the Human Rights Advisory Panel in Kosovo

After a long period of waiting, the inaugural session of the Human Rights Advisory Panel – a special body competent to consider the complaints of citizens against human rights violations by the international United Nations administration in Kosovo – will take place on 15 November 2007 in Pristina in Kosovo. Marek Antoni Nowicki, the President of the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights is a member of the Panel.(13-NOV-07)

November 13, 2007

Democratic Voice of Burma awarded the 2007 Ossietzky prize

The board of Norwegian PEN has unanimously decided to award the 2007 Ossietzky prize to the Oslo-based radio station The Democratic Voice of Burma (DVB).  The prize will be awarded at a ceremony at the Nobel Peace Center on Thursday 15. November, which is also the international Day of the Imprisoned Writer. (13-NOV-07)

November 13, 2007

HRH N conference concerned over HR situation in East and Horn of Africa

The more than 100 delegates to the ´Civil Society at a Crossroads: Sustaining human rights organisations in the East and Horn of Africa´ conference that closed today, unanimously adopted a statement expressing deep concern over the human rightssituation in the region. In addition to addressing the security and working conditions of human rights defenders, the statement also made country-specific demands on Republic of Somalia, Republic of the Sudan Republic of Uganda, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, State of Eritrea and Republic of Kenya. (13-NOV-07)

November 13, 2007

Yet another journalist arrested in Azerbaijan

On 10 November 2007, the editor in chief of Azadlig newspaper Ganimat Zahidov, right, was arrested, being formally charged with committing hooliganism and inflicting minor bodily harm. Thus, the father of four young children and the uncle of five children of his imprisoned brother, Sakit Zahidov from the “Azadlig” Newspaper, Zahidov can be imprisoned for a minimum of 3 years. (13-NOV-07)

November 13, 2007

Critical situation for the Human Rights House in Moscow

Members of Human Rights House Network express its deep concern in regard to the situation of the Russian Research Centre for Human Rights (RRCHR), which has recently received a letter from the Moscow Property Department. The letter informs the RRCHR of the necessity to leave its current office (Moscow, Luchnikov Lane, 4, doorway 3) by 31st of December 2007. Read the statement below.(13-NOV-07)

November 13, 2007

HRH conference concerned over HR situation in East and Horn of Africa

The ´Civil society at a crossroads: Sustaining human rights organisations in the East and Horn of Africa´ conference, that closed in Nairobi today, issued a strong expression of concern about the human rights situation in the region. In addition to the general observations of discrimination, intimidation, harassment and outright attacks on human rights defenders, the conference also addressed country-specific issues in the Republic of Somalia, Republic of the Sudan, Republic of Uganda, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and State of Eritrea and Republic of Kenya.

November 12, 2007

UN Special rapporteur on HR defenders threatened with house arrest

Having worked for years in close cooperation with Hina Jilani, right, the UN Secretary General´s Special Representative on Human Rights Defenders, the Human Rights House Foundation joins the international protests against the house arrest order that has been issued upon her in her homeland Islamic Republic of Pakistan, following the state of emergency declared by the President of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, General Musharraf, on 3 November 2007. (12-NOV-07)

November 9, 2007

Journalists’ criminal liability for defamation

The Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights has on numerous occasions expressed its concerns regarding examples of applying regulations of the Penal Code that penalize defamation towards journalists in the Republic of Poland. At the same time, the Foundation has long demanded for Article 212, which provides grounds to sentence an individual even to the punishment of imprisonment for defamation, to be removed from the Polish Penal Code.(08-NOV-07)

November 9, 2007

Georgia’s crackdown on the media

Georgian president Mikheil Saakashvili decreed a state of emergency after the violent dispersal of anti-government protests, ordering the shutdown of independent media outlets and deploying troops throughout Tblisi. Journalists have felt the heat during the recent upheaval. (9-NOV-07)