

February 24, 2008

Outlet to Sources is a Major Problem

On 19 February in the International Press Center a coalition of journalist organizations presented “Results of Monitoring of Adherence to Ethics in Azerbaijani Press Project.” According to the monitoring results, ”the major problem of Azerbaijani journalism is that there is not an outlet to sources. Irregardless of being a governmental or non-governmental newspaper, the mass media must adhere to the rules or leave the press.” (22-FEB-08)

February 23, 2008

Round Table on “Advocacy Strategies”

On 11 February, with the initiative and support from Human Rights House Network, there was conducted the Round Table on “Advocacy Strategies” in the International Press Center of Baku. The round table was lead by Danuta Przywara, director of Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights in Warsaw, and Lubov Vinogradova, the director of Russian Research Center for Human Rights. (13-FEB-08)

February 23, 2008

HRHN Makes a Visit to Azerbaijan

On 08-12 February 2008 the international delegation of Human Rights House Network had a visit to Republic of Azerbaijan. The delegation represented the Human Rights House in Oslo, Minsk, Warsaw and Moscow. During the 5 days meeting, the HRHN representatives had meetings with representatives of national NGO-s, international organizations, embassies and mass media outlets. (12-FEB-08)

February 23, 2008

Andreas Herkel: “Imprisonment of Journalists is Abnormal”

On 07 February Parliament Assembly of the Council of Europe Monitoring Committee co-rapporteurs Andreas Herkel and Yevgeniya Jivkova held a press-conference on the results of their trip to Republic of Azerbaijan. Andreas Herkel emphasized that the resolution of the journalists’ problem depends on the government and especially on the president. (08-FEB-08) 

February 23, 2008

Annual Report of Human Rights Watch

According to the annual report 2007 released by Human Rights Watch “The government continues to use defamation and other criminal charges to intimidate independent and opposition journalists, some of whom have also been assaulted by unknown men. Media freedoms rapidly deteriorated in 2007, with at least ten journalists imprisoned.” (02-FEB-08)

February 23, 2008

Influence of Gender Equality Law in Azerbaijan

The Political and Cultural Center for Republic of Azerbaijan Women with support of Global Fund for Women started the project, titled “Influence of Gender Equality Law: Changes Occurred in Public Life of Women during Last Year”. The multi-level project contains the elements of research, within which the competition for journalists’ investigation has been announced. (25-JAN-08)

February 23, 2008

Memorial Campaign in Elmar Huseynov’s Honor

The campaign for the erection of memorial in honor of the slain Azerbaijani journalist Elmar Huseynov continues. The organizer – Institute for Reporters’ Freedom and Safety – launched the second stage of the campaign and highlighted the results so far. (18-JAN-08)

February 23, 2008

“Media and Courts” Roundtable

On 15 January 2008 a roundtable on “Media and Courts” was held, at the initiative of the Institute for Peace and Democracy. The institute’s director Leyla Yunus (right) opened roundtable noting that last year the press condition was too severe, journalists were imprisoned, there was pressure on the press and court decisions was adopted against mass media institutions and journalists. (16-JAN-2008)

February 23, 2008

Five Journalists Pardoned

On 28 December 2007 Iham Aliyev, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan issued a decree on the release of some of the imprisoned people. The decree freed 119 prisoners including five journalists. The decree was welcomed by a number of national and international actors, still the issue of political prisoners remain of concern. (10-JAN-08)

February 23, 2008

NGO Council to be Created

The Council for Support of NGOs under President was set up in December 2007. However all the questions related to its activity remain open. The selection of
members must take place within the months of February. (04-JAN-08)

February 22, 2008

Russian Union of Journalists faces problems with authorities

The Russian authorities claim to close the head office of the Russian Union of Journalist (RUJ) in Moscow due to violations of fire regulations. In its statement below, RUJ stresses that the claims are part of a united campaign which has been carried on almost one year against the Union, the biggest non-governmental organization in the Russian Federation. The Union has occupied the building since 1980. (20-FEB-08)

February 22, 2008

Statement of the Helsinki Committee in Poland regarding wiretapping

The Helsinki Committee in Poland in its position from 20 February 2008 reminds again that personal freedom from encroachment by the state is the superseding principle and limitations on freedom may occur solely in thoroughly-warranted cases. In particular wiretapping may constitute an unwarranted violation of personal freedom. (22-FEB-08)