

March 12, 2008

HRH F asks Armenian authorities to lift state of emergency

The Human Rights House Foundation asks Armenian authorities to lift the state of emergency and protect people’s right to demonstrate. In its statement sent to the Ministry of Justice and the Armenian President, HRH F calls on national authorities to invite international organizations and local human rights groups to conduct an independent and impartial investigation into the use of lethal force by the police. (11-MAR-08)

March 12, 2008

Armenian authorities must investigate clashes between police and demonstrators

The use of lethal force against peaceful demonstrators by the Armenian police causes deep concern.

March 11, 2008

Genocide: The dark side of civilisation

-The 20th century demonstrated that genocide is not restricted to any particular period, ideology or part of the world. As such, it is rather a dark side of civilisation, and one that we have to build bulwarks against, over and over again, says Bernt Hagtvet, right, Professor of Political Theory at the University of Oslo. Hagtvet, a board member of HRH F, has edited a huge, comparative study on genocide that was launched yesterday. (11-MAR-08)

March 11, 2008

Norwegian Tibet Committee marks 49th anniversary of uprising in Tibet

The Norwegian Tibet Committee (NTC) and the Tibetan community of Norway demonstrated in front of the Chinese Embassy yesterday to commemorate the 49th anniversary of the Lhasa prising. The Embassy was angered, but all the fficials could do was close the Embassy and watch the demonstration from behind the curtains. (11-MAR-08)

March 11, 2008

Genocide: The dark side of civilisation

-The 20th century demonstrated that genocide is not restricted to any particular period, ideology or part of the world. As such, it is rather a dark side of civilisation, and one that we have to build bulwarks against, over and over again, says Bernt Hagtvet, right, Professor of Political Theory at the University of Oslo. Hagtvet, a board member of HRH F, has edited a huge, comparative study on genocide that was launched yesterday (11-MAR-08)

March 11, 2008

UN expert decries human rights violations by both sides in Darfur

Sudanese Government military forces and Darfur´s rebel movements have both committed human rights abuses in the war-wracked region, carrying out killings, acts of sexual violence, looting, the destruction of property, arbitrary arrests and forced displacement, Sima Samar, right, an independent United Nations envoy said today. (11-MAR-08)

March 8, 2008

Members of the Parliament Criticized Ombudsman’s Report

On March 4, during a session of the Milli Mejlis, Ombudsman Elmira Suleymanova (right) presented her annual report. Suleymanova touched issues such as the situation of speech freedom in the Republic of Azerbaijan. The report was criticized by the deputies of Milli Mejlis. (08-MAR-08)

March 8, 2008

OSCE Conducts Training for Judges

In the OSCE’s Baku Office, “Defamation in the OSCE Space: Learning Legislation and Experience” training was conducted for judges from Baku’s Appellate Court. The judges learned about European practices in the area of defamation. (07-MAR-08)

March 8, 2008

New Guidelines for Democracy Commission Small Grants Program

The Democracy Commission Small Grants Program of the US Embassy in the Republic of Azerbaijan introduced new guidelines and procedures related to grants program. The main change is that now the Republic of Azerbaijan based organizations will be able to apply to the Democracy Commission throughout the year, not twice a year as it used to be before. (05-MAR-08)

March 8, 2008

Commemoration of the 3-rd Anniversary of the Journalist’s Murder

The 3-rd anniversary of the murder of “Monitor” magazine Editor-in-chief Elmar Huseynov was commemorated by national organizations with a number of arrangements. The lack of progress made in the murder investigation over the past three years is a major conclusion and concern of the human rights activists. (03-MAR-08)

March 8, 2008

Draft Law “On Expression Freedom”

The Media Rights Institute has prepared a draft law “On Expression Freedom” and it will be published in the near future. During the preparation of this draft law the theses of Georgia’s draft law “On Expression Freedom” and legal conceptions of European countries were considered. (29-FEB-08)

March 8, 2008

-This honour reflects the reality that Tibet is not free

-On this occasion, which moves me deeply, I would like to express my thanks to the Norwegian Authors’ Union for conferring on me its 2007 Freedom of Expression Prize. I am also grateful to the Norwegian Tibet Committee for its whole-hearted support and assistance. And to my Tibetan countrymen who dwell in Norway, I offer the traditional Tibetan wish for good fortune: Tashi Delek! Read Tsering Woeser’s, right, speech, delivered by her husband upon accepting the Norwegian Author’s Association’s Freedom of Expression Award for 2007, below. (08-MAR-08)