

April 8, 2008

Freedom of Expression Foundation’s award for 2008 to corruption warner

Per-Yngve Monsen, formerly employed by the Norwegian branch of the German multinational company Siemens, has been rewarded for his courage and stamina in reporting on his employer´s corrupt conduct and systematic over-charging in contracts with the public sector and government in Norway. On Freedom of Expression Foundation´s website, Monsen receives praise for his brave use of his ight to freedom of expression. (08-APR-08)

April 8, 2008

Freedom of Expression Foundation’s Award for 2008 to corruption warner

Per-Yngve Monsen, formerly employed by the Norwegian branch of the German multinational company Siemens, has been rewarded for his courage and stamina in reporting on his employer´s corrupt conduct and systematic over-charging in contracts with the public sector and government in Norway. On Freedom of Expression Foundation´s website, Monsen receives praise for his brave use of his right to freedom of expression. (08-APR-08)

April 8, 2008

New UN human rights council begins examination of all member countries

All UN member states are facing a rigorous examination of their human rights records. The inaugural session of the UN Human Rights Council´s Universal Periodic Review (UPR) working group began on Monday. The Universal Periodic Review (UPR) is a new mechanism of the UN Human Rights Council and, over the next four years, it will regularly review the human rights obligations and commitments of all 192 Member States. Governments themselves will carry out this regular and systematic scrutiny. (08-APR-08)

April 7, 2008

Seminar: China, human rights and the Beijing Olympics

The Rafto Foundation and the European Law Student Association in Bergen invites to the international seminar “Focus: the People´s Republic of China, Human Rights and 2008 Beijing Olympics” on Friday, April 11 from 10:15-15:15. Rebiya Kadeer, right, the 2004 Rafto Prize laureate, is one of the speakers. (07-APR-08)

April 7, 2008

No redress for rape victims in Darfur

Five years into the Darfur conflict, women and girls need protection from rape and brutal attacks still being committed by government forces and armed groups throughout Darfur, Human Rights Watch said in a new report released today. Neither government security forces nor international peacekeepers have provided sufficient protection for women and girls, who remain extremely vulnerable to rape and other abuses during large-scale attacks and even in periods of relative calm, Human Rights Watch said. (07-APR-08)

April 5, 2008

Belarusian human rights defenders arbitrarily detained. Express your concern

HRH F shares Front Line’s concern following the arbitrary detention of human rights defenders Vadim Borshchevskiy and Pavel Levinov; as well as raids on the apartment of human rights defenders Olga Karatch and Yelena Borshchevskaya and on the offices of the women’s rights organisation Female Centre “Adliga”. Vadim Borshchevskiy is a journalist and member of Female Centre “Adliga”and the Youth Centre “Seventh Side”. (05-APR-08)

April 4, 2008

End murder, torture, and rape of civilians in Western Kenya

The rebel Sabaot Land Defence Force and the Kenyan military are responsible for horrific abuses, including killings, torture and rape of civilians, in a little-known armed conflict in the Mt. Elgon area of western Republic of Kenya, Human Rights Watch said today in a joint statement with two Kenyan human rights organizations, Mwatikho and Western Kenya-Human Rights Watch (WKHRW). (Human Rights Watch and Western Kenya-Human Rights Watch are entirely separate organizations). (04-APR-08)

April 3, 2008

Margaret Sekaggya of Uganda new Special Rapporteur on HR Defenders

The UN Human Rights Council (HRC) recently last week formally appointed a new mandate holder for the Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders, Margaret Sekaggya, right, from Republic of Uganda. Ms. Sekaggya will continue the work of her predecessor, Hina Jilani, in supporting the implementation of the Declaration on Human Rights Defenders and gathering information on the situation of human rights defenders around the world. (03-APR-08)

April 2, 2008

BAJ doubts legal grounds for KGB searches

Following the recent KGB searches, the Belarusian Association of Journalist (BAJ) has appealed to the Public Prosecutor General´s Office, the KGB and the Public Prosecutor´s Office of Minsk, asking them to return seized property and guarantee the journalists´ rights and legal interests. BAJ has questioned the existence of sufficiently lawful grounds for KGB to carry out its recent actions. (2-APR-08)

April 2, 2008

Cartoons of Lukashenko used as reason for searches

On 27 March, Belarusian police staged a nation-wide search of the homes of independent journalists and of their offices. According to the Republic of Belarus Media Association, the police action is being carried out under Article 367 of the Republic of Belarus Penal Code that penalises “libel” against the Republic of Belarus President. There are fears that this may lead to further arrests in the Republic of Belarus, reports IFEX. (29-MAR-08) 

April 2, 2008

Amnesty urges Belarus to stop intimidation

Amnesty International urges the Belarusian authorities to immediately stop the obstruction, harassment and intimidation of civil society activists engaged directly or indirectly in the promotion and defence of human rights in the Republic of Belarus. In the statement nelow Amnesty is calling for the immediate and unconditional release of all those who have been detained and sentenced for the legitimate and peaceful expression of their views. (1-APR-08)

April 2, 2008

HRH Moscow protests against repression in Belarus

Human Rights House in Moscow has sent a statement concerning brutal police actions and arrests during a peaceful demonstration on 25 of May, 2008 devoted to 90th anniversary of  Belorussian Democratic Republic. Human Rights House in Moscow sent official appeal to Belarusian authorities condemning such “policy” of saving a public order. The appeal was directed to the President of Republic of Belarus, the General Prosecutor and the Minister of Internal Affairs. To read the statement in Russian, click here . (29-MARCH-08)