Allegations of torture of Sahrawi HR defender must be investigated
Amnesty International deplores today´s expulsion by the Moroccan authorities of a delegation of Action by Christians against Torture (Action des chrétiens pour l´abolition de la torture, ACAT) as another setback against human rights defenders working on Western Sahara. The organization was in the country to investigate the human rights situation in Western Sahara. (25-APR-08)
Allegations of torture of Sahrawi HR defender must be investigated
Amnesty International deplores today´s expulsion by the Moroccan authorities of a delegation of Action by Christians against Torture (Action des chrétiens pour l´abolition de la torture, ACAT) as another setback against human rights defenders working on Western Sahara. The organization was in the country to investigate the human rights situation in Western Sahara. (25-APR-08)
World Movement for Democracy’s fifth assembly held in Kiev, Ukraine
On April 6-9, 2008, over 450 democracy activists, practitioners, and scholars from 104 countries gathered in Kiev, Ukraine, for the Fifth Assembly of the World Movement for Democracy under the theme ´Making Democracy Work: From Principles to Performance.´ The Assembly opened with welcoming remarks from Ukraine´s First Lady, Kateryna Yushchenko, right. (25-APR-08)
Iranian Nobel Peace Prize laureate receives death threats
The Iranian Nobel Peace Prize laureate and human rights activist Shirin Ebadi says that she has received numerous death threats recently. The threats have been presented in the form of notes on the door to the building where she has her office. One of the notes simply states that she will soon die. -The threats against me and my family have become more serious, warns Ebadi. (25-APR-08)
Poland before the UN Human Rights Council
Republic of Poland, as one of the first UN countries, was subject to the Universal Periodic Review of Human Rights procedure. The review is conducted by the UN Human Rights Council. Polish nongovernmental organizations, i.e. the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, questioned the governmental report stating that in this report the government presented the situation in the Republic of Poland ´in a simplified and overly optimistic manner´. (24-APR-08)
Two fined, nine imprisoned after January demonstrations
On April 22, ten young activists detained during the entrepreneurs’ demonstration in Minsk 10 January received their sentences, varying from fines of 1100 Euro to 1.5 years´ imprisonment. Yesterday, Siarhei Parsiukevich, right, one of the entrepreneurs´ leaders, was given 2.5 years behind bars. (24-APR-08)
Burma: Press forbidden to refer to campaign for a No on new constitution
Reporters Without Borders and the Burma Media Association are outraged by the methods being used by the military government to prevent the media from freely covering the views and activities of the supporters of a No vote in a 10 May referendum on a new constitution. -Let the press and the public discuss the draft constitution, says Marte Graff Jenssen, right, of the Norwegian Burma Committee. (24-APR-08)
Radio stations jammed, websites hacked, media restrained in Tibet
Reporters Without Borders called yesterday for the foreign news media to be allowed back immediately into Tibet and nearby provinces with a Tibetan population, where the Chinese authorities have maintained a news blackout and have been conducting a massive propaganda campaign for the past six weeks. (24-APR-08)
Winners of Index on Censorship Freedom of Expression Awards announced
Journalist Arat Dink was among those honoured at the 2008 Index on Censorship Freedom of Expression Awards on 21 April. The Awards honour people around the world who have made outstanding contributions to free expression. (23-APR-08)
Poland before the UN Human Rights Council
Republic of Poland, as one of the first UN countries, was subject to the Universal Periodic Review of Human Rights procedure. The review is conducted by the UN Human Rights Council. Polish nongovernmental organizations, i.e. the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, questioned the governmental report stating that in this report the government presented the situation in the Republic of Poland ´in a simplified and overly optimistic manner´.(24-APR-08)
Burma: Press forbidden to refer to campaign for a No on new constitution
Reporters Without Borders and the Burma Media Association are outraged by the methods being used by the military government to prevent the media from freely covering the views and activities of the supporters of a No vote in a 10 May referendum on a new constitution. -Let the press and the public discuss the draft constitution, says Marte Graff Jenssen, right, of the Norwegian Burma Committee. (24-APR-08)
Two fined, nine imprisoned after January demonstrations in Belarus
On April 22, ten young activists detained during the entrepreneurs’ demonstration in Minsk 10 January received their sentences, varying from fines of 1100 Euro to 1.5 years´ imprisonment. Yesterday, Siarhei Parsiukevich, one of the entrepreneurs leaders, was given 2.5 years behind bars.