Results of Media Monitoring
The Coalition of Azerbaijani Journalist Organizations unveils the results of six months monitoring of “Adherence to Ethical Principles in the Azerbaijani Press”. According to Mehman Aliyev (right), the Director of “Turan” Information Agency and a member of the Press Council’s Executive Board, the project aim was to assist editorial offices in adhering to ethical principles and to bring existing problems to light and aid in solving them. (10-JUN-08)
Selection process for next UN HR chief clear and rigorous, says Ban
The selection process for the next United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights is clear and thorough and has already involved broad consultation with Member States, human rights groups and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, right, said today. (10-JUNE-08)
The Norwegian Helsinki Committee in Kyrgyzstan raided
On the 9th of June officers from the Ministry of Internal Affairs accompanied by the National Security Service personnel raided the Norwegian Helsinki Committee’s office in Kyrgyzstan’s capital Bishkek. -We consider this action a clear violation of international norms, says Bjørn Engesland , right, Secretary General of the Norwegian Helsinki Committee (9-JUNE-08).
HRH F concern about media crackdown and opposition harassment in Uganda
The Human Rights House Foundation (HRH F) is deeply concerned about recent infringements on basic rights and freedoms of both the media and the opposition in the Republic of Uganda. While the media have experienced temporary detention of editors and journalists, confiscation of equipment and material, and initiatives by the authorities to further tighten relevant legislation, including the Constitution, the opposition has been subjected to arrests and interrogation, violations of the right to assembly, and physical attacks on leading members. (08-JUNE-08)
Demonstration marks 19th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre
On the 19th anniversary of the crackdown on students and other peaceful pro-democracy protestors in Tiananmen Square, hundreds gathered to commemorate those who lost their lives on that tragic day. English PEN and other free expression advocates called for greater freedom of expression in China during a peaceful demonstration outside the Chinese Embassy in London on the evening of 4 June. (6-JUNE-08)
Tibet-Kurdistan seminar addresses threats to minorities’ cultural heritage
The Norwegian Tibet Committe (DNT) and the Norwegian Council for the Rights of the Kurds (RKR) jointly invites to a seminar addressing the challenges of suppressed and marginalised peoples in their efforts to maintain their cultural heritage and identity. The seminar at the Human Rights House in Oslo on Wednesday 10 June from 10:00 to 15:30 will bring together experts on both the Kurdish and the Tibetan case. (06-JUNE-08)
Media freedom in Eastern Africa: paradoxes – and severe suppression
Most countries in the East and Horn of Africa have constitutions guaranteeing the freedom of the media. In real life, however, the same countries ignore or sidestep their own legislation. In addition, they have a frighteningly impressive repertoir of direct and discret, brutal or subtle means of repression. (06-JUNE-08)
HRHF regrets the imprisonment of human rights defender
The Human Rights House Foundation has sent a letter today to the General Prosecutor´s Office of the Republic of Belarus, expressing regret over the decision of the Vitebsk Court on 27 May to sentence Paval Liavinau, member of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee (BHC), to 10 days´ administrative imprisonment and a fine of 700.000 rubles (328 USD). Read the full letter below. (05-JUNE-08)
The Amnesty International Annual Report
28 May 2008 International human rights organization Amnesty International released its annual report on the state of the protection of human rights in the world. This time, the USA received the sharpest criticism. However, the Russian Federation was among the number of the countries where the quantity of attacks because of racism and prosecutions “for political dissent” noticeably increased. Amnesty International addressed president Dmitry Medvedev with a request to take measures for the guarantee of the observance of human rights and freedom in the Russian Federation. (30-MAY-08)
Azerbaijani Journalist is Shortlisted for a Special Award
Amnesty International shortlists Yemeni and Azerbaijani journalists for 2008 “Special Award for Human Rights Journalism Under Threat”, part of the organisation´s annual media awards. Abdul Karim al-Khaiwani (Yemen) and Aqil Xalil (Azerbaijan) shortlisted for this award. (05-JUN-08)
HRHF expresses regret over imprisonment of human rights defender
The Human Rights House Foundation has sent a letter today to the General Prosecutor´s Office of the Republic of Belarus, expressing regret over the decision of the Vitebsk Court on 27 May to sentence Paval Liavinau, member of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee (BHC), to 10 days´ administrative imprisonment and a fine of 700.000 rubles (328 USD). Read the full letter below. (05-JUNE-08)
One more shipping company quits Western Sahara assignments
The third “Norwegian” shipping company in half a year says it will no longer visit ports in occupied Western Sahara. Jinhui Shipping, registered on Oslo Stock Exchange, says to South the People´s Republic of China Morning Post that it will not contract any more business in the country. (05-JUNE-08)