IRFS Chairman Emin Huseynov is Beaten and Hospitalized
On 14 June, Emin Huseynov (right), the chairman of IRFS, was subjected to police brutality, after which he was detained during a police raid of an event being held at the “Alaturka-Cafe”, dedicated to 80th birthday of Ernesto Che Guvera. (17-JUN-08)
Index honoured at Amnesty awards
Index on Censorship magazine was awarded the Amnesty International Media Award for best periodical at a ceremony in London. The award was given for a series of articles from the issue ‘How Free is the Russian Media?’. The magazine was praised for its ´brave, impassioned journalism´. (17-JUNE-08)
HR defender hospitalized after police beating in Azerbaijan
The Human Rights House Foundation (HRHF) is seriously concerned about the alleged threats and beating by Azeri police last Saturday of Emin Huseynov, right, a well-known human rights defender. The gross violations followed in the wake of the police´s breaking up of a marking of Che Guevara´s 80th birthday in the Alaturka Cafe in Baku. (16-JUNE-08)
HR defender hospitalized after police beating in Azerbaijan
The Human Rights House Foundation (HRHF) is seriously concerned about the alleged threats and beating by Azeri police last Saturday of Emin Huseynov, right, a well-known human rights defender. The gross violations followed in the wake of the police´s breaking up of a marking of Che Guevara´s 80th birthday in the Alaturka Cafe in Baku. (16-JUNE-08)
Draft bill on mass media worries BAJ
Wednesday 11 June the Belarusian Association of Journalists finally received the draft bill on mass media. BAJ is dissatisfied with numerous elements including re-registration of journalists and the regulation of publications of the Internet. The authorities want to get the bill passed by Parliament as soon as possible, but BAJ reminds them to their promise to discuss it with civil society and European experts. (15-JUNE-08)
Belarusian Association of Journalists fears new media law
Wednesday 11 June the Belarusian Association of Journalists (BAJ) finally received the draft bill on mass media. BAJ is dissatisfied with numerous elements including re-registration of journalists and the regulation of publications of the Internet. The authorities want to get the bill passed by Parliament as soon as possible, but BAJ reminds them to their promise to discuss it with civil society and European experts.
Report on the websites of Polish courts
The Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, the Civil Development Forum Foundation and the research and advisory firm have jointly prepared a report on the usefulness of Polish courts’ websites for citizens. The authors of this report write: ‘If someone wishes to see what Poland’s Internet looked like ten years ago, he/she can easily move back in time by browsing through the internet news bulletins of Polish courts’.(13-JUN-08)
International outcry over assassination of Somali journalist leader
Nasteh Dahir Farah, 28, right, Vice President of the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ), was assassinated on Saturday, 7 June 2008, in Kismayu, Southern Republic of Somalia. The Somali journalists community condemned the assassination, and received immediate moral support from throughout Eastern Africa. (13-JUNE-08)
Azerbaijan: Human Rights Defender beaten and threatened
The alleged threats and beating by Azeri police of the human rights defender Emin Huseynov is condemned.
Uganda: Basic rights of the media and the opposition are violated
Recent infringements on basic rights and freedoms of both the media and the opposition in the Republic of Uganda cause deep concern.
Institute for Reporters´ Freedom and Safety´s Chairman detained
HRHF is concerned about the detention of the Institute for Reporters´ Freedom and Safety’s Chairman, Emin Huseynov today, 12th of June. The Institute for Reporters´ Freedom and Safety (IRFS) reports that Emin Huseynov was detained in front of Azerbaijan´s Presidential Administration building while filming a picket held by students. (12-JUN-08)
The Norwegian Helsinki Committee in Kyrgyzstan raided
On the 9th of June officers from the Ministry of Internal Affairs accompanied by the National Security Service personnel raided the Norwegian Helsinki Committee’s office in Kyrgyzstan’s capital Bishkek. -We consider this action a clear violation of international norms, says Bjørn Engesland , right, Secretary General of the Norwegian Helsinki Committee (9-JUNE-08).