Russian human rights defenders against military conflict in South Ossetia
Russian human rights defender, chairman of the society “Memorial” Sergey Kovalev, right, urged the world community to condemn the actions of the Russian Federation in Georgia. In his opinion, the Russian Federation began its aggression against Georgia under the pretext of protecting Russian citizens. (31-AUG-08)
State company reported for buying goods stolen from Western Sahara
Yesterday, the Association of Saharawis in Norway and the Norwegian Support Committee for Western Sahara (NSCWS) jointly reported the Norwegian fertilizer giant Yara to the police for breaking the Norwegian Penal Act’s paragraph 317, on dealing in stolen goods. Yara has imported 16.800 tons of phosphate from Western Sahara, occupied by Morocco. The state owned company has paid Moroccan authorities for the phosphate, knowing full well that, as an occupier, it does not belong to Morocco, but is instead to be considered stolen goods. (30-AUG-08)
Nakhchivani Journalists Attacked
On 27 August in the village of Nehrem, in Azerbaijan’s Autonomous Republic of Nakhchivan, a confrontation occurred between village residents and police.
During the confrontation, three journalists; Radio Liberty correspondents Malahat Nasibova and Ilgar Nasibov, and Institute for Reporters’ Freedom and Safety correspondent Elman Abbasov were beaten. (29-AUG-08)
Bombardment of western Afghanistan village upsets the entire community
-The bombardment by international military forces of Aziz Abad village in Shindand district of Herat province, right, has upset the whole Afghan community. The bombardment caused the death of 91 civilians, injured a much larger number and put the residents of the village into very conditions, threatening their personal, social and economic security. Thus begins a statement issued by the Civil Society and Human Rights Network (CSHRN). (28-AUG-08)
New report reveals secrets of post-election violence in Kenya
Details of the post-election violence in the Republic of Kenya earlier this year was planned and promoted by leading politial and religous figures can now be revealed. A fresh report form the Republic of Kenya National Commission on Human Rights contains the names of five Cabinet ministers, five religious leaders, eight senior provincial administrators and 13 MPs and details how they cointributed to the planning and execution of the violence that left more than 1,000 people dead and 350,000 others homeless. To read the full report, click here . (28-AUG-08)
New report documents the double tragedy of Mt Elgon, Kenya
The Kenyan human rights organisation Independent Medico-Legal Unit (IMLU) released its final report today on the gross human rights violations conducted both by the so-called Sabot Land Defence Forces (SLDF) and a joint police and military operation in the Mt Elgon area of Western Republic of Kenya. The report documents murder, rape, arbitrary and mass arrests, enforced disappearances, torture, destruction of property, and cruel and inhuman and degrading treatment and punishment of civilians. To download the report, click here. (27-AUG-08)
Conference on “Media and Elections”
The Council of Europe and “Yeni Nesil” Journalist Union conducted a one day conference on the topic of “Media and Elections: Democratic Responsibility of Media” within the framework of activity plan to improve media professionalism in the Republic of Azerbaijan during the run-up for presidential elections 2008. (26-AUG-08)
Tibetan writer, blogger and human rights activist arrested in Lhasa
Tibet´s most famous writer and blogger Tsering Woeser, right, was accused of taking photographs of military installations and arrested by police after she returned home briefly to Lhasa, the capital of Tibet, on Thursday last week, writes London-based newspaper the Times. To read the Times´s full article, click here . (26-AUG-08)
War victims speak in DR Congo
In Africa’s worst conflicts, victims’ voices are rarely heard during the elite debate that treats peace and justice as though they were an either-or. However, thousands of victims in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have told researchers for a newly-published survey that peace and justice must go hand in hand. Right, Congolese IDPs on a muddy hill above their camp. (26-AUG-08)
Tibetan writer, blogger and human rights activist arrested in Lhasa
Tibet´s most famous writer and blogger Tsering Woeser, right, was accused of taking photographs of military installations and arrested by police after she returned home briefly to Lhasa, the capital of Tibet, on Thursday last week, writes London-based newspaper the Times. To read the Times´s full article, click here . (26-AUG-08)
Award winning journalist and human rights activist detained in Tunisia
Security forces prevented Index on Censorship award winner Sihem Bensedrine from leaving Tunisia on 19 August. The attack is the latest in a long list of harrassment of the prominent journalist and acitivist freedom, and exposes once again the government´s refusal to guarantee free expression among its media and human rights workers. (18-AUG-08)
No more political prisoners in Belarus
he last remaining political prisoners; Aleksandr Kazulin, former presidential candidate, Andrei Kim, young activist, and Sergei Parsjukevich, the entrepreneur, have been released by A. Lukashenka’s order. Most oppositional politicians and human rights activists considered it has been done due to the EU and USA pressure to the regime. Belarusian officials did not make any statements. (21-AUG-08)