Video release “Have a Peaceful Dream”
First Children’s Embassy in the World and CIRa released a video “Sonuvaj mirno – Have a Peaceful Dream” within the Campaign for fundraising by citizens and enterprises for establishment of a Fund to support children and youth victims of sexual abuse.
K.V. film festival: your right to be heard
The practice to silence discussion on inconvenient topics was challenged during a short film festival on 28-30 November 2008 in Vilnius.
Кінафэст “Knopka Vyzova”: тваё права быць пачутым
Выклікам сучаснаму маўчанню і замоўчванню “нязручных” тэм стаўся Фестываль кароткаметражных фільмаў на сацыяльныя тэмы “Knopka vyzova”, што адбываўся ў Вільні з 28 па 30 лістапада. Менавіта гэтак ацанілі падзею ўласна арганізатары і ўдзельнікі мерапрыемства.
Stigma and poverty faced by people living with HIV
This year, we mark both the 20th World AIDS Day and the 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It is fitting that during these landmark anniversaries we consider how far we have come in the global effort to combat AIDS, said Navi Pillay, right, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, in a statement on the occasion of World Aids Day today.
Regional seminar in South-East Europe on the new UPR mechanism
Late last month, the Human Rights House of Sarajevo organized a regional seminar in Dubrovnik, aiming to present the new Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of the United Nations Human Rights Council. The seminar set in motion processes among the human rights NGOs to engage with the mechanism in all four countries.
Семінар па тактычных медыях у выбарчых кампаніях
Пятае пасяджэнне Віленскага медыя семінара будзе прысвечанае дзвюм нядаўнім выбарчым кампаніям у Беларусі і Літве.
Seminar on tactical media in election campaign
Session #5 of Vilnis Media Seminar will be centered on two recent election campaigns in Belarus and Lithuania.
10th EU-NGO Forum on Human Rights
Woman and Society – Research, Policy and Advocacy Center attends 10th Annual EU-NGOs Forum on Human Rights, topic: Discriminations against women.
First Congress of Federation of African Journalists
The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today welcomed the conclusion of the first working congress of the Federation of African Journalists (FAJ), held in Nairobi, Republic of Kenya, last weekend, as a historic milestone in strengthening African Journalists.
Sudan Human rights defenders arrested without charge
Sudanese authorities have arrested and detained three human rights defenders in Khartoum, two of whom remain in detention, Human Rights Watch said. On November 24, 2008, Sudanese authorities in Khartoum summoned the three men to the National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) offices, where they were detained and questioned about their human rights activities.
Your voice will be heard!
“Knopka Vyzova” (“Call Button”), the festival of short-length films on inconvenient topics was officially opened in Belarusian HRH.