

December 22, 2008

Iranian authorities shut down the Defenders of Human Rights Center

The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, a joint programme of ACAT, FIDH, OMCT, Global Witness and Frontline, strongly condemn the closing by Iranian authorities of the offices of the Defenders of Human Rights Center, led by Iran’s Nobel peace prize winner Shirin Ebadi yesterday.

December 22, 2008

Killer’s memory still haunts Grbavica

‘Batko’ Vlaholic’s name was synonymous with terror in Grbavica in 1992, but years on, he apparently remains a free man. The name Veselin Vlahovic “Batko” continues to inspire fear among those who endured terror in the Sarajevo district of Grbavica during the war years. None of the arrest warrants issued so far have led to his actual arrest.

December 20, 2008

Security Council supports military action against Ugandan rebels

“The Security Council today voiced support for the joint military operation launched by the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Republic of Uganda and Southern Republic of the Sudan to flush out the Ugandan rebel Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) from a remote national park in north-eastern DRC, a Senior United Nations envoy said.

December 20, 2008

Somali radio station forced off the air

The only radio station in an Islamist-controlled town in southern Republic of Somalia was shuttered by militants in a raid last week, according to the station’s director.

December 19, 2008

Kurdish human rights defender suffers in Iranian prison

Mohammad Sadiq Kabudvand, right, founder of the Human Rights Organization of Kurdistan, allegedly suffered a heart attack on 17 December. Amnesty International believes Kabudvand is not receiving adequate medical care for his serious health condition in the Iranian Evin Prison.

December 19, 2008

-Laying ghosts and making peace: The world’s best bush guerrillas

“They are ghosts behind trees. You don’t see them until they come up behind you.” Sitting in the afternoon sun of a dusty courtyard in this overgrown African village, now Southern Sudan’s capital, a veteran humanitarian worker explained how the roughly 1,000 insurgents belonging to the Lord’s Resistance Army, right, – the LRA – continue to defy four states and keep millions in distress in east central Africa.

December 19, 2008

Belarusian ‘For Freedom’ movemement registered. What next?

The fourth attempt of the For Freedom movement, headed by former presidential candidate Alyaksandr Milinkevich, to register was crowned with success. On 17 December the organization received its registration certificate.

December 19, 2008

Рух “За свабоду” зарэгістраваны. Што далей?

Чацвёртая спроба Руху “За свабоду” зарэгістравацца нарэшце ўвянчалася поспехам, і 17 снежня арганізацыя атрымала рэгістрацыйнае пасведчанне.

December 19, 2008

Russian authorities react to the people’s growing discontent

As protests and demonstrations move through the Russian Federation, in reaction to the current financial crisis, the Russian authorities respond by unlawfully detaining protesters and attempting to revise current criminal procedural laws under the pretext of anti-terrorism.

December 19, 2008

Ex-Bosnian war commander found dead

Ismet Bajramovic–Celo, right, a Sarajevo wartime commander and alleged mafia godfather, has been found dead in his apartment. Initial evidence suggests that he may have committed suicide.

December 19, 2008

Macedonia president makes annual address

The row with Greece, EU integration and challenges regarding the global economic crisis were the main topics, Macedonia’s President tackled in his annual address to Parliament.

December 19, 2008

Croatia scorns Slovenia move to block EU bid

Croatia’s Prime Minister Ivo Sanader has described Slovenia’s move to veto new talks for Zagreb to join the European Union as an action “without precedent.”