Suspicious death of a Kurdish citizen detained for political actions
Kurdish citizen, Hashem Ramezani, found dead after being detained by the Ministry of Intelligence in Islamic Republic of Iran.
Russia: Crimes Without Punishment
The murder of Anastasiya Barburova (right) and Stanislav Markelov is part of a brutal trend. Russians who stand up for human rights may pay with their lives.
HRHF concerned about conscription of civil and political activists in Belarus
The Human Rights House Foundation (HRHF) sent a letter to the Defense Minister of Republic of Belarus today, expressing its concerns about the conscription of civil and political activits in the Republic of Belarus.
NHC and HRHF demand withdrawal of libel case
The Norwegian Helsinki Committee (NHC) and the Human Rights House Foundation (HRHF) have requested the Azerbaijani government to immediately withdraw the claim against the human rights defender Leyla Yunus.
Рэзалюцыя Еўрапарламенту: Беларусь патрабуе большай дэмакратызацыі
15 студзеня Еўрапарламент ухваліў прамежкавую рэзалюцыю па Беларусі. Як адзначаюць еўрадэпутаты, пазітыўныя крокі ў галіне дэмакратызацыі ў Беларусі прысутнічаюць, але іх недастаткова.
European Parliament Resolution: Belarus needs more democratization
On 15 January the EU Parliament adopted a preliminary resolution on Republic of Belarus. MEPs acknowledge positive changes with democracy in the Republic of Belarus, but they are insufficient.
B&H: World report 2009
The discovery in August 2008 of a mass grave near Kamenica, believed to hold the bodies of up to 100 victims of the 1995 Srebrenica massacre, was a reminder that Bosnia remains marked by the legacy of the 1992-95 war.
Belarus: Concerns with the Conscription of Civil and Political Activists
he numerous cases in the Republic of Belarus where youth activists, previously declared unfit for military service, are nevertheless conscripted in retaliation for their civic or political activism causes concern.
Azerbaijan: Libel case against Human Rights Defender Leyla Yunus
A protest is lodged against the libel case the Ministry of Interior has brought against the internationally renowned Human Rights defender Leyla Yunus.
Ms. Zeinab Jalalian, a member of a Kurdish party, receives the death sentence
Local sources in the province of Kurdistan have revealed that Ms. Zeinab Jalalian, a member of a Kurdish party, has received the death sentence based on allegations of acting against national interests.
Russia: double murder another blow for human rights
The shocking murder of the lawyer Stanislav Markelov, and the young journalist Anastasia Barburova, on Monday, brings Russia’s human rights record to a new low.
Murder of Markelov and Baburova in Moscow condemned
A group of international human rights organisations condemned today the murder of the HR defender and lawyer Stanislav Markelov and the journalist Anastasia Baburova. In the statement to Russian authorities they called for a thorough investigation of the murder and protection of human rights defenders.