

April 7, 2009

Third X-PRESS session

Citizens in the jaws of judiciary

April 6, 2009

Thailand: Free speech groups call for repeal of repressive legislation

Index on Censorship, English Pen and Article 19 today expressed concern over the 10-year prison sentence given to Thai blogger Suwicha Thakhor.

April 6, 2009

Акно ў міжнародныя стандарты для беларусаў

Беларусам, якія змагаюцца за свае правы , праваабаронцы пракладаюць сцяжыну ў Жэневу. Паколькі Беларусь не ўваходзіць ні ў Еўразвяз, ні нават у Раду Еўропы, у выпадку парушэння дзяржавай правоў грамадзян адзіным механізмам для іх давесці сваю праўду на міжнароднай арэне з’яўляецца зварот у Камітэт па правах чалавека ААН.

April 6, 2009

New directory of women’s groups launched in B&H

CURE Foundation last week launched an online version of the Directory of Women’s Groups in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), as part of the result of the initiative “Reviving the Women’s Movement in BiH” (RWM). Results of the research on women’s groups in B&H were also presented.

April 4, 2009

Bishop Grigorije brings back the holy inquisition

Nikola Sekulovic, right, president of the Movement for Trebinje, has received a call for church trial of Diocese of Zahumlje, Herzegovina and Primorje, because of “the slander in electronic and print media against church dignitaries, clergy and people”.

April 3, 2009

Renewal of mandate on UN Independent Expert on Somalia welcomed

EHAHRD-Net welcomes the renewal of the mandate on the Independent Expert on Republic of Somalia whilst calling on key actors to take concrete steps to re-enforce the mandate.

April 3, 2009

IFJ calls for independent probe over journalist’s death

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called for an independent investigation into the death of Sergey Protazanov, a journalist with Grazhdanskoye Soglasiyel newspaper, who died on 31 March, reportedly after being beaten up.

April 3, 2009

US: Not in my backyard

The Internet threatens to make US obscenity law unworkable, says Marjorie Hein

April 3, 2009

Legal protests in Belarusian provinces: mission impossible

Organizing legal mass gatherings in some Belarusian cities is a nearly impossible challenge. In Hrodna local authorities for dubious reasons refused mass rallies on the Freedom Day, 25 March, and labour union marches. In Baranavičy activists’ attempts to defend the right for assembly get smashed under an avalanche of unconstitutional decrees by the authorities.

April 3, 2009

UK: Seditious libel law is a travesty of justice

The UK government’s retention of this archaic legislation only serves to justify oppression in other countries, writes Evan Harris.

April 3, 2009

Macedonian government protects the attackers

On March 28 the members of the “First Archibrigade”, an association of students from the Faculty of Architecture in Skopje, staged their “First Architectural Offensive” to protest the construction of a new church on the main city square in Skopje. However, an organized group of opponents was waiting for them on the site of the previously announced peaceful demonstrations.

April 3, 2009

Renesansa at NGO Fair

With Partnership to Health