

June 11, 2009

Former UN head Kofi Annan warns Kenyan leaders

The Republic of Kenya Government has ten weeks to form a local tribunal to try last year’s post election violence suspects or have their names sent to The International Criminal Court, former UN secretary general Kofi Annan has said.

June 11, 2009

LGBT rights movement: Progress and visibility breed backlash

Activists working for the rights of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people in many countries are still under-resourced, unnecessarily isolated, and vulnerable to violent backlash even after four decades of struggle, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today.

June 11, 2009

Repressive press law passed in Sudan

The Committee to Protect Journalists is concerned by the ‎passage of a Sudanese press law on Monday that falls short of ‎international standards for freedom of expression‎.

June 11, 2009

Open letter to member states of the Human Rights Council

In an open letter to the United Nations Human Rights Council,
thirty-five human rights organizations from every region of the world
warned that recent “extraordinary attacks” by states on United
Nations human rights experts at the Human Rights Council was
“severely eroding the Council’s legitimacy and credibility.”

June 11, 2009

UPR process in B&H

Human Rights House of Sarajevo (HRH Sarajevo) continuously works as of November last year on engagement of NGO sector of Bosnia & Herzegovina (B&H) in UPR process. So far, it held a Regional seminar on UPR for the countries of South-East Europe, and is, as of then, actively engaged in the national consultation process in B&H, as well as in the process of forming an official NGO coalition for UPR of B&H.

June 11, 2009

Concerns with unlawful detention of Arshaluys Hakobyan

The Human Rights House Foundation, the Norwegian Helsinki Committee, the Norwegian Tibet Committee, the Polish Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, Human Rights House of Sarajevo, Human Rights Centre of Republic of Azerbaijan, the Russian Research Center for Human Rights, the Belarusian Human Rights House in exile in Lithuania and the Human Rights Centre in Georgia, condemn the ill treatment and unlawful detention of the election observer Arshaluys Hakobyan in Yerevan on 5 June 2009.

June 10, 2009

Key problems of judicial system of Azerbaijan revealed

The monitoring of the judicial system of Republic of Azerbaijan conducted by the Institute of Peace and Democracy (IPD) has revealed some key problems and gaps in the national judicial system. IPD concluded that even though the courts are created on the basis of the laws, they do not correlate with the criteria of ‘quality of law`.

June 10, 2009

Somalia: Another prominent journalist killed: Protection must be prioritised

The East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project (EHAHRDP) condemns the targeted killing of Mukhtar Mohamed Hirabe, Director of Radio Shabelle- one of Somalia’s leading independent radio stations, on Sunday 7th June in Bakara Market, Mogadishu, by two gunmen, and calls on all actors involved in the conflict to offer human rights defenders, and most particularly journalists, the protection which they require to carry out their vital work.

June 10, 2009

UPR meeting of NGOs in B&H

Meeting of the informal UPR Working group

June 10, 2009

5th X-PRESS Session

Persons with disabilities deserve equal chances

June 9, 2009

Kenya: Key witnesses in journalist’s murder go into hiding

Attempts to unravel the murder of journalist Francis Nyaruri have run into problems after key witnesses began receiving death threats. The family lawyer, Andrew Mandi (who practises in the Nyamira District of Kenya’s Nyanza Province) and Robert Natwoli (a police officer in Nyamira) have gone into hiding after they were threatened with death.

June 9, 2009

Нерэгістрацыя як карны інструмент

Беларускія ўлады працягваюць парушаць правы чалавека і не збіраюцца адступацца ад гэтай ганебнай практыкі. Пра гэта цвердзяць мясцовыя праваабаронцы і выказваюць рашучы пратэст. Апроч правоў іншых грамадзянаў, актывісты вымушаныя бараніць і правы ўласныя.