Forum discussion
“Educational inclusion of children who do not attend schools in Aerodrom municipality”
The unvictorious Caucasian war
Though it wasn’t especially bloody in comparison to what has happened in the Caucasus in older and recent times, last year’s five-day war between Georgia and the Russian Federation may be ranked alongside much bigger conflicts due to its consequences for the Caucasus and the Russian Federation.
In Somaliland, journalists sentenced, media banned
The National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) is appalled by the latest wave of Somaliland’s ongoing crackdown on the media after a new court sentence against journalists in Berbera and a ban on a news website.
Зварот адносна нерэгістрацыі “Нашай Вясны” – міма вушэй
Беларускі Дом правоў чалавека і Фундацыя дамоў правоў чалавека атрымалі на свой зварот да беларускіх уладаў адказ з Вярхоўнага Суду РБ. На жаль, заклік “прытрымлівацца нацыянальнага заканадаўства і міжнародных
дакументаў”, якія гарантуюць права на свабоду аб’яднанняў, быў фактычна ігнараваны.
NUSOJ condemns mounting suppression and violation of media rights in Gedo region
The National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) has strongly condemned mounting suppression and violation of media rights in Gedo region of southwestern Republic of Somalia by the Al-Shabaab Islamic group.
Ugandan editors jailed for critical reporting
The arrest and commencement of court proceedings against two Monitor editors for publishing contents of the President’s July 15 proposal that certain elective political positions be restricted to only indigenous natives has drawn wide condemnation. Right, editors Ochieng, left, and Kalinaki before being released on bail.
Psychiatrist’s certificates for election candidates?
In July 2009, the proposal to impose on parliamentary, municipal or presidential candidates a duty to produce a doctor’s certificate regarding their mental condition put forward by the Commissioner for Civil Rights Protection (Rzecznik Praw Obywatelskich, RPO), was widely discussed.
Deaf ear turned to a voice in defense of Nasha Viasna
It took the Supreme Court of Republic of Belarus a week to respond to the letter of concern by Belarusian Human Rights House (HRH) and HRH Foundation considering the non-registration of their partner in the Republic of Belarus. Unfortunately, the call “to abide by the laws of the Republic of Belarus and international obligations” was ignored.
Forthcoming elections raise false expectations, says the Norwegian Burma Committee
Controversial elections anticipated next year present an opportunity for change in Myanmar that should not be squandered, says the International Crisis Group. -No, they don’t, says Inger-Lise Husøy, right, Director of the Norwegian Burma Committee. -It is the constitution and basis for the election that is the problem. As ICG points out, the constitution will entrench military rule.
Knin: Consultations held regarding RECOM initiative
Croatian non-governmental organizations Zena, Drnis and Documenta – Center for Dealing With the Past, in behalf of the Coalition for Establishing a Regional Commission for Truth-seeking and Truth-telling About War Crimes (RECOM), have organized in the beginning of August local consultations in Knin.