

October 26, 2009

Свабода выказванняў і права на мірныя сходы: абарона праз міжнародныя інструменты

16-18 кастрычніка 2009 года ў Доме правоў чалавека адбылася навучальная сесія па праграме “Выкарыстанне міжнароднага права ў праваабарончай дзейнасці”. Прапануем азнаёміцца з уражаннямі ад семінару дзвюх яго ўдзельніц – студэнтак 4 курса праграмы «Міжнароднае права» ЕГУ.

October 26, 2009

Macedonia: 25th-26th Human Rights School

Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in the Republic of Macedonia, with the support of the Swiss Embassy in Skopje, has organized this summer in Ohrid (Macedonia), 25th-26th Human Rights School for Youth.

October 26, 2009

Activist from Ingushetia killed in ambush

ARTICLE 19 is shocked at the killing of Maksharip Aushev, a well-known activist from Ingushetia. Aushev was killed on 25 October in Kabardino-Balkaria, a neighbouring republic of Ingushetia, when his car came under fire from another passing vehicle. Aushev’s cousin, who was travelling with him, was badly injured in the attack.

October 26, 2009

Presentation of Report on Eritrea

“The Lasting Struggle for Freedom in Eritrea. Human Rights and Political Development, 1991-2009” report to be presented. A screening of the film
‘A Nation held Hostage,’ made in connection with the report.

October 23, 2009

Anti-homosexuality or anti-human rights bill?

In an unprecedented move in the Republic of Uganda for the issue of sexual minorities’ rights, 20 human rights and civil society organisations have come together to protest the anti-homosexuality bill that was tabled in parliament last week. The statement raises the bill’s broader constitutional and human rights implications. If turned into law, Republic of Uganda further undermines its own constitution, and brings itself directly at odds with its own obligations, as laid down for instance in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights. Read the full statement below.

October 23, 2009

Thin veneering does not hide repressions

The International Association of Journalists in its final report after visiting Republic of Belarus this September declares that in today’s situation neither Belarusian journalists nor publications can adequately work, collect and distribute information about events in the country.

October 23, 2009

Sakharov Prize 2009 awarded to Memorial

The European Parliament’s 2009 Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought has been awarded to Russian civil rights defence organization Memorial, and their three representatives Oleg Orlov, Sergei Kovalev and Lyudmila Alexeyeva, as well as all other human rights defenders in the Russian Federation.

October 23, 2009

Regrets about Svetsik’s case

The Human Rights House Foundation and the Norwegian Helsinki Committee deeply regret the Supreme Court of Belarus’ ruling to uphold the decision of Vitebsk oblast court against human rights defender Leonid Svetsik.

October 23, 2009

11th School for Managers

of associations for persons with disability

October 22, 2009

Homeless has a right to access to court

On 20 October European Court of Human Rights passed a judgement in the case Nowinski v. Republic of Poland (Application no. 25924/06). The applicant was represented before the Court by the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights. The Court found that there has been a violation of Article 6 § 1 of the Convention and awarded the applicant EUR 1,000 in respect of non-pecuniary damage.

October 22, 2009

New African convention for internally displaced

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay, right, warmly welcomed a ground-breaking new treaty for internally displaced people in Africa, which was endorsed Thursday at the African Union Heads of States Special Summit in the Republic of Uganda.

October 22, 2009

“Падмалёўка фасадаў” рэпрэсіяў не схавае

У цяперашняй сітуацыі ні беларускія журналісты, ні выданні не могуць паўнавартасна працаваць, збіраць і распаўсюджваць інфармацыю пра падзеі ў краіне – заявіла Міжнародная асацыяцыя журналістаў у дакладзе па выніках вераснёўскага візіту ў Беларусь.