

December 7, 2009

Withdraw anti-gay law, Britain and Canada tell Uganda’s government

Both Britain and Canada’s prime ministers have told Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni that a proposed law that would result in homosexuals being imprisoned for life or even executed needs to be withdrawn. The proposed legislation has created a furore in Western countries with protesters saying it contravenes international human rights legislation.

December 7, 2009

Human Rights Human Wrongs Documentary Film Festival

With an even bigger and even better programme than when we first did this, in December 2008, the second Human Rights Human Wrongs Documentary Film Festival promises to generate more attention and debate. The carefully selected films address four key areas of the current human rights situation around the world: Migration, Impunity and War Crimes, Whose Business is Human Rights?, and ‘Worlds without Witnesses’.

December 7, 2009

Adoption of the report from the UPR hearing of Ethiopia

Delegates from a coalition of independent Ethiopian human rights organisations who, with HRHF Oslo and Geneva’s facilitation, submitted a joint report for this hearing back in April attend the adoption of the official report from the hearing.

December 7, 2009

Universal Periodic Review hearing of Ethiopia

Following the submission of a so-called other stakeholders’ report for the deadline for this hearing back in April, delegates of the coalition behind the report attend the hearing and advocate the report’s content. HRHF Oslo and Geneva have provided editorial advice, facilitated the advocacy and secured the funds, together with other sposnors, for the delegates to come to Geneva.

December 7, 2009

HRH Oslo celebrates its 20th anniversary

All current in-house member organisations of the Human Rights House in Oslo invite their friends to join them in the celebratation that it is now 20 years since the house was first established.

December 7, 2009

Adoption of report from UPR hearing on Norway

Members of the Norwegian NGO Forum for Human Rights attend the adoption of the report from Wednesday’s hearing of Norway before the UPR mechanism.

December 7, 2009

UN Universal Periodic Review hearing of Norway

Following broad advocacy work in the build-up to Norway’s hearing before the UPR mechanism, representatives of different member organisations of the Norwegian NGO Forum for Human Rights also attend the hearing.

December 7, 2009

Universal Periodic Review hearing of Eritrea

Marking the opening of the 6th session of the UN Human Rights Council’s Universal Periodic Review mechanism, the human rights situation in Eritrea goes under scrutiny this morning. Following the submission of a so-called other stakeholders’ report for the deadline in April, a delegation of representatives of four different Eritrean diasporas are present to advocate their report. HRHF Oslo and Geneva have provided editorial advice, facilitated the advocacy and secured the financial support to bring the delegation to Geneva.

December 6, 2009

New Minister of Information ‘Internet ideology inspector’

The appointment of Aleh Praliaskouski, right, to the Minister of Information office does not promise any positive perspectives for the freedom of expression. The Head of the Belarusian Association of Journalists Zhanna Litvina and the media analyst Aliaksandr Klaskouski shared their views on the head of information in the country.

December 6, 2009

Health of detained Azeri journalist seriously deteriorating

Mushfig Huseynov, a “Bizim yol” newspaper correspondent who is suffering from tuberculosis, is not receiving the right treatment, his father warned. Tofig Huseynov said that the two-month treatment in a specialized treatment facility for prisoners, his son received had not yielded any positive changes in his health.

December 5, 2009

Ethiopian journalists’ body decries discriminatory practices by newspaper distributors

The Ethiopian National Journalists Association (ENJU) in a statement issued Friday, 4 December 2009, has expressed concern over discriminatory practices by newspaper distributors in the country, a practice it says has forced the closure of some newspapers.

December 4, 2009

Adam Bodnar: We may be sued for the crosses; Polemic with Jerzy Stępień

The interview with Jerzy Stępień, a former Judge and President of the Constitutional Tribunal (“Gazeta Świąteczna”, 7-8 November) inclined me to make a few remarks. It is not my aim to refer to the arguments concerning the presence of the cross in school put forward by Jerzy Stępień. I do understand that one can have different views on this matter, but I share the opinion of the European Court of Human Rights.