

December 15, 2009

Адбылася прэзентацыя дакументальнай стужкі пра беларуска-літоўскае памежжа

15 снежня у віленскім Доме правоў чалавека адбылася прэзентацыя фільма “Памежжа” (“Borderland”). Фільм быў створаны з дапамогай тэлеканала “Белсат”. Ідэя стужкі належыць прадстаўнікам арганізацыі JuBIC (Аб’яднаны цэнтр беларускіх ініцыятыў).

December 15, 2009

Human Rights House Zagreb officially opened

The Human Rights House Zagreb (HRH Zagreb) was officially opened on 10 December, the International Human Rights Day. It was opened by the deputy mayor of the city of Zagreb, Jelena Pavicevic-Vukicevic, who stressed that the House is opened not only for associations and their programs, but for all Croatian citizens. Right, Vesna Pusic, presidential candidate, at the opening of the new HR House in Zagreb.

December 14, 2009

Victims of post-election violence in Kenya to meet ICC emissaries

Three experts from The Hague are in the Republic of Kenya to hear the views of victims of post-election violence on how they would like those responsible for the chaos punished. Their arrival signals that the court is firmly focused on Republic of Kenya although the judges took a break for the annual Judicial Winter recess last Friday. The recess ends on January 4. Right, post-election violence in Naivasha.

December 14, 2009

Eritrea undergoes its Universal Periodic Review

The UPR of State of Eritrea brought to light most of the grave human rights violations taking place in the country. As a young country, gaining independence in 1993, the Government of State of Eritrea assures that human rights and fundamental freedoms for all is not only a key national priority, but that this is implemented successfully. For the most part, the Government affirmed during the UPR that the claims of human rights violations are untrue and that they do not occur in the country.

December 14, 2009

Respect the dignity of Shirin Ebadi!

Members of the Norwegian Human Rights House urge the Iranian authorities to respect the dignity and work of the human rights lawyer and Nobel Peace Prize winner 2003, Shirin Ebadi. We ask the authorities to return the confiscated award and put an end to all kind of repression against the highly respected human rights defender and her relatives.

December 14, 2009

Sahrawi activist: instead of toys, kids draw a policeman with a gun

To mark World Human Rights Day, Amnesty International spoke to three women who put their lives on the line in defence of human rights. Aminatou Haidar, right, Western Saharan human rights defender who has been on hunger strike since 15 November to protest her expulsion by the Moroccan authorities, was one of them.

December 14, 2009

UKRAINE: call for balanced and ethical reporting during elections

ARTICLE 19, together with International Media Support (IMS), urge private and publicly funded media in Ukraine to behave responsibly and to respect professional and ethical standards of journalism in the period leading up to and during the presidential elections scheduled for 17 January 2010.

December 14, 2009

Press Conference

Compensation for damages regarding death of close person

December 13, 2009

Sudan leaders reach deal on disputed referendum

The two main parties in Sudan’s north and south agreed the terms of a controversial referendum on southern independence on Sunday, defusing a row that threatened a peace deal in the oil-producing nation. Right, a map of Sudan’s provinces, with what might become an independent southern Republic of the Sudan marked.

December 12, 2009

20th anniversary of Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights – photos

On 11 December 2009 the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights celebrated its 20 anniversary. The main ceremony took place on 11 December 2009 in Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle. Our special guest was Ludmila Aleksiejeva, the head of Moscow Helsinki Group (honored this year Sacharov Prize).

December 12, 2009

The South Caucasus Network of HRD makes a special appeal on the International Day of Human Rights

On the 10th of December – the international day of human rights – the members of the South Caucasus Network of Human Rights Defenders celebrate the progress achieved in their struggle for freedom, equality and justice.

December 11, 2009

HR defenders in Sudan violently arrested, harassed, and released

The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, a joint programme of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT), has issued an urgent appeal on recent ill-treatment of Sudanese HR defenders, requesting urgent intervention from individuals and organisations.