Peru: Newspaper editor jailed for defamation
English PEN protests the one-year prison sentence handed down to Peruvian “Nor Oriente” editor Alejandro Carrascal Carrasco on 12 January 2010 for alleged “aggravated defamation” of a local official. There were a number of apparent irregularities in the trial and it is widely believed that Carrascal’s conviction is in retaliation for his criticism of the authorities.
Religion and arms: Is there a compromise?
On 29 January a trial of Ivan Mikhailau, who refused the compulsory military conscription due to his religious beliefs, began in the Minsk regional court. Several European civic and human rights organisations have signed an open letter to the Belarusian president Aliaksandr Lukashenka in support of Mikhailau and others, who were prosecuted for refusal of taking up arms and joining the army because of their faith.
HCHR condemns hate speech toward BH journalist
The Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in B&H strongly condemns the use of hate speech against journalist, Duska Jurisic, right, who was recently dismissed from the position of editor-in-chief of News Program of Television of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FTV).
Balloon Debate
The panel of four leading writers, Al Alvarez – arguing for John Donne, Rowan Pelling, Deborah Moggach – arguing for Arnold Bennett, and Hardeep Singh Kohli – arguing for Ian Rankin, will each make an impassioned case for their favourite authors, but their fates are in your hands. Chaired by Jonathan Heawood.
Balloon Debate
The panel of four leading writers, Al Alvarez – arguing for John Donne, Rowan Pelling, Deborah Moggach – arguing for Arnold Bennett, and Hardeep Singh Kohli – arguing for Ian Rankin, will each make an impassioned case for their favourite authors, but their fates are in your hands. Chaired by Jonathan Heawood.
Рэлігія і зброя: ці ёсць кампраміс?
29 студзеня пачаліся судовыя разбіральніцтвы па справе Івана Міхайлава, які па рэлігійных прычынах адмовіўся несці службу ў беларускім войску. Шэрагам еўрапейскіх грамадскіх і праваабарончых арганізацыяў быў падпісаны адкрыты ліст да Прэзідэнта Беларусі Аляксандра Лукашэнкі ў падтрымку Івана Міхайлава і іншых, якія пераследуюцца за адмову ісці ў войска і браць у рукі зброю з-за рэлігійных перакананняў.
Impunity: stopping the killers
Impunity is an urgent issue facing press freedom campaigners. Joel Simon of the Committee to Protect Journalists outlines a roadmap for action and reflects on the first year and a half of the CPJ’s global campaign against impunity, as multiple challenges are being faced by free expression in the Russian Federation, Philippines, Latin America and elsewhere in the world.
Driving test now available to people with disabilities in Croatia
Istrian people with disabilities finally have the opportunity to take the driving test in adjusted cars and classrooms. The ceremony in occassion of the new APEO project “Invalid Plus – Driving School for All” was held on Monday in front of the adjusted classrooms of the Croatian Automobile Club – HAK building in Pula.
Round table on all forms of violence in Crotia
HRH Zagreb organized a round table today, on “Encouraging the elimination of all forms of violence”. The round table is part of the pilot project “I listen, I hear, I understand”, implemented by B.a.B.e. and financially supported by the Ministry of Family, Veterans and Intergenerational Solidarity – MOBMS.
PACE adopts resolution regarding Azerbaijan
On 24 June, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) adopted resolution “The functioning of democratic institutions in Azerbaijan?” that was prepared by Monitoring Committee Co-rapporteurs on Republic of Azerbaijan Andreas Herkel and Joseph Debono Grech.