

April 27, 2010

-Human rights are also on the agenda, Mr President

Amnesty International, the Norwegian Helsinki Committee and the Human Rights House Foundation staged a silent protest this morning outside the hotel where President Dimitri Medvedev has been staying during his visit to Norway. The demonstration helped draw public attention even further in the direction of the many grave human rights concerns in the Russian Federation. As Medvedev came out of the hotel and saw the demonstrators, he was heading straight for his talks with Jens Stoltenberg, the Norwegian Prime Minister.

April 26, 2010

Police use pressure against journalists in Azarbaijan

Today, 26 April, journalists faced harassment from police and unidentified plain clothed people during an action conducted by Azadlig bloc in front of Icheri Sheher metro station.

April 26, 2010

Institute for Reporters’ Freedom and Safety Statement

The Institute for Reporters’ Freedom and Safety (IRFS) strongly condemns the violence against journalists by police and plain clothed people today, 26 April, during a protest action that Azadlig bloc held, and assesses this as pressure against freedom of speech.

April 26, 2010

EPIC Short Films presents… Georgian Film Night

English PEN, Index on Censorship are proud to present EPIC SHORT FILMS at the Free Word Centre, these events explore censorship and freedom of expression in independent filmmaking.

April 26, 2010

Free Zarganar!

Burma’s most famous comedian, Zarganar, is currently serving a 35-year prison sentence for his criticism of the Burmese government’s handling of Cyclone Nargis in May 2008. The cyclone devastated the country – more than 140,000 people died and millions were made homeless.

April 26, 2010

Stop illegal detention

Spring campaign is all about security and human rights, with particular emphasis on the illegal arrests and disappearances. Come to our stand outside of Silver Mountain in Stavanger on Thursday at the 29 April 15.00, and sign our petition, you too! We also need person to keep the stand!

April 26, 2010

No security without human rights – a message to President Medvedev

In connection with the visit of the Russian President, Dmitri Medvedev, Amnesty International Norway, the Norwegian Helsinki Committee and the Human Rights House Foundation will organise a demonstration in front of the Norwegian Parliament, Tuesday 27 at 8 a.m under the slogan “No security without human rights.”

April 25, 2010

Burma: UNSR on Human Rights stresses problematic policy of foreign oil companies

UN Special Rapporteur (UNSR) on Human Rights Tomás Quintana highlighted in a report the problematic link between foreign oil companies operation in Burma and the Myanmar military, resulting in abuses like forced labour, killings, rape, torture of Burmese population. He recommends an official “commission of inquiry” into possible crimes against humanity and war crimes in military-ruled Burma (Republic of the Union of Myanmar).

April 25, 2010

HFHR’s letter to Prime Minister

“The Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights would like to reiterate the appeal for immediate and complete explanation by Polish authorities of the issue of alleged existence of CIA prisons in the Republic of Poland.”

April 24, 2010

Chinese human rights defenders subjected to ‘absurd’ disbarment hearing

Amnesty International has condemned as ‘absurd’ a legal hearing aiming to revoke the legal licences of two Chinese human rights lawyers for having, among other things, in the framework of their professional duties, defended migrants, Falun Gong practitioners, dispossessed peasants, HIV victims and the parents of children contaminated by tampered milk.

April 23, 2010

Sahrawis dissatisfied with UN chief and peacekeeping mission MINURSO

The President of Western Sahara, Mohammed Abdelaziz, in a strongly worded letter to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon complains about his poor leadership and unwillingness to fulfil the UN’s mandate in the Moroccan-occupied territory. Mr Abdelaziz demands changes to the UN peacekeeping mission.

April 23, 2010

European Court of Human Rights issues decision to release Eynulla Fatullayev

The European Court of Human Rights issued a decision regarding the case of imprisoned Editor-in-chief of Gundelik Republic of Azerbaijan and Realniy Republic of Azerbaijan Newspapers Eynulla Fatullayev.