

September 30, 2010

На канферэнцыі Сеткі ДПЧ агучаны патрэбы праваабаронцаў

На трэці дзень штогадовай канферэнцыі, што ладзіцца ў Беларускім ДПЧ у Вільні ўдзельнікаў чакала спецыяльная канферэнцыя, прысвечаная сітуацыі з правамі чалавека ў Беларусі і краінах Балтыі. Больш за 20 выступоўцаў, а таксама шырокая аўдыторыя мерапрыемства сталі вырашальнымі: прысутныя атрымалі шмат інфармацыі, выходзячай за межы “агульнай”.

September 30, 2010

Free speech organisations call Iran to release blogger Hossein Derakhshan

Article 19, Canadian Journalists for Free Expression, The Committee to Protect Journalists, Index on Censorship, PEN Canada and Amnesty International condemn the excessive prison sentence of 19 and a half years handed down to Canadian-Iranian blogger Hossein Derakhshan.

September 29, 2010

Tackling the Problems of the Health Care in Polish Prisons – New Project of HFHR

This month Helsinki Foundation For Human Rights began its new program addressing the issues of medical care in prisons. Within the frames of a Law Clinic, run by students and supervised by professionals, interventions are planned to be taken. The program will also include lectures and seminars, as well as strategic litigation.

September 29, 2010

Five billion people in the world have the right to information

In 2010 the right to information has been realised for five billion people and growing. However, over half the countries of the world have not yet adopted right to information laws and many that have done so have failed to implement them adequately. Marking Right to Know Day 2010, organisation Article 19 promotes the right to information around the world.

September 29, 2010

Сетка ДПЧ прымае рашэнне аб планах і прыярытэтах на перыяд 2010 – 2012

На другі дзень штогадовага пасяджэння Сеткі ДПЧ, размешчанага сёлета на базе Беларускага Дома правоў чалавека ў выгнанні ў Вільні, дэлегаты з усіх рэгіёнаў Еўропы зрабілі свае прыярытэты зразумелымі: “Мы хочам больш цеснага супрацоўніцтва і падтрымкі ў ходзе выбарчай кампаніі і выбараў”, – заявілі яны.

September 29, 2010

Новыя фота і дакументальная стужка: Азербайджан і Беларусь застаюцца несвабоднымі грамадствамі

Сусветная прэм’ера новага дакументальнага фільма вядомага нарвежскага рэжысёра Эрлінга Боргена і выстава здымкаў фатографа незалежнай беларускай газеты “Наша Ніва” Юліі Дарашкевіч адкрыла праграму першага дня штогадовага пасяджэння Сеткі Дамоў правоў чалавека ў Вільні.

September 29, 2010

New Documenta publications

on war happenings in Croatia

September 29, 2010

New Documenta publications

on war happenings in Croatia

September 27, 2010

Norway criticized by its NGOs for being a brake in the UN human rights work

Norwegian NGOs criticize Norway for being a brake in the UN human rights work, and require Norwegian authorities to sign UN agreement UN agreement on an international appeals body for economic, social and cultural rights. The Optional Protocol to the Convention on Economic, Social and Cultural rights comes into force if at least 10 countries ratify it.

September 26, 2010

Belarusian Human Rights Defenders’ Forum completed in Vilnius

Ambitions for more professionalism and solidarity brought the Belarusian human rights community together for the second ever joint forum yesterday. Convened in a comfortable Lithuanian hotel, many recalled the first forum, in January 2004, which took place in a forest outside Minsk in unheated premises.

September 26, 2010

Leader of student protest in Machu sentenced to 2 years in jail

A Tibetan student leader who was detained in March for leading a protest against the Chinese government on the second anniversary of the 2008 nation-wide uprising has been sentenced to two years’ imprisonment on 24 September.

September 26, 2010

Attacks on journalists in Belarus, Ukraine and the Russian Federation – attacks on freedom of expres

Over the last ten years there have been numerous attacks on journalists in the Republic of Belarus, Ukraine and the Russian Federation. Yet, in all three countries, not one of these incidents has resulted in a full and effective investigation or prosecution of the instigators of these crimes. Article 19 and International Media Support (IMS) call to protect journalists in these countries and to combat impunity in a constructive way.