Client sues banks for not allowing him to use their toilet
Two banks in Warsaw did not allow a 84-year-old citizen Józef Głuchowski to use their toilets. The man believes that it was detrimental to his dignity and the right to intimacy. He decided to sue the banks for violating his personal rights. He demands a 15,000 PLN compensation and apology. The banks want the lawsuit to be dismissed.
Boxing with Lukashenka: Why Belarus needs Europe to stay strong
On February 18, the first political trial begins in Belarus. The fate of the rest of the prisoners will depend on the European reaction to this first one. On January 31, the EU imposed sanctions on the Belarusian leadership. The opposition expected a new wave of repression as a backlash. Unable to harm the hated Europe, Lukashenka has often vented his anger on the domestic carriers of European values. Dictators are used to propagating the idea of the opposition as “foreign agents”.
Kazakhstan: referendum rejected, real test for democracy – free and fair elections
On 31 January, a bill that would allow for a referendum on the extension of President Nursultan Nazarbayev’s term of office until 2020 was rejected by the Constitutional Council of Kazakhstan as un-constitutional. Instead, Nazarbayev has announced snap elections on 3 April. The idea of referendum was criticized by international community, elections however will not bring anything new if they are not democratic, NHC says.
Сорам Мін’юста: адвакаты баяцца абараняць палітвязняў
“Спачатку адвакатка ахвотна згадзілася бараніць Іру. Мы склалі дамову, і раптам яна тэлефануе і адмаўляецца,” – апавядае бацька вядомай журналісткі Ірыны Халіп. Гэта ўжо другі адвакат, які адмовіўся абараняць маці “сям’і палітвязняў”, жонку Андрэя Саннікава. Адвакаты суседніх краін не сумняюцца – на беларускіх юрыстаў цісне рэжым.
Georgia preliminary examination: OTP concludes second visit to the Russian Federation
A delegation from the Office of the Prosecutor (OTP) of the International Criminal Court today concluded a two-day visit to the Russian Federation.
Representing Sri Lanka in the Face of Conflict
Sri Lanka has been home to one of the longest civil wars in recent history, yet this conflict has gone relatively unreported and attacks upon journalists are widespread.
Free the Word! 2011: Translating Power
How do literary writers speak truth to power? What can novels, plays and poems say about world politics? Does censorship provoke new forms of creativity? And why is there so little contemporary British literature about political power?
Free Speech: The Night Class- Banned, Burned and Bowdlerised
This six-part course, led by Dr Sophie Mayer, will consider some of the best known and most dramatic challenges to free speech: attacks on poems, plays, novels and films.
Международная конференция проекта “Электронное обучение адвокатов правам человека”
11-14 марта 2011 года в Белорусском доме прав человека состоится вторая международная конференция проекта “Электронное обучение адвокатов правам человека” для участников из Азербайджана, Беларуси, Грузии и России.
2nd International conference, Electronic Human Rights Education for Lawyers
On 11-14 March 2011, the Belarusian HRH will host the second international conference within the framework of the Project “Electronic Human Rights Education for Lawyers” for project participants from Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia and Russia.
Egypt: respect and protect freedom of expression and the right to information!
Civil society organisations from around the world, including Article 19, Writers in Prison Committee and Index on Censorship, are calling on Egyptian and international bodies to respect freedom of expression and the right to information.
Ghulja Massacre in China: fourteen years after
Fourteen years ago on 5 February 1997 hundreds of Uyghurs were killed or imprisoned after participating in a peaceful demonstration in the city of Ghulja in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR), China. No-one has been held accountable for the brutal crackdown on the non-violent protest, persecution of Uyghurs continues rebranded as part of the international “war on terror”.