

January 17, 2011

Norway: release political prisoners in Belarus!

15 Norwegian organisations and political parties in Oslo appealed to the Norwegian authorities to increase their pressure on Republic of Belarus and demand release of all arested after the preisdential elections on 19 December. Around 35-40 persons in front of the Norwegian Parliament demonstrated in support of human rights defenders and political prisoners in the Republic of Belarus.

January 17, 2011

Concern with detention and prosecution of Ms Nizovkina and Ms Stetsura

Participants and partner organisations of the Human Rights House Network project “Electronic Human Rights Education for Lawyers” are concerned about the recent detention and criminal prosecution of lawyer and journalist Nadezhda Nizovkina and lawyer Tatiana Stetsura.

January 17, 2011

Беларусь: месяц после 19 декабря. Что дальше? Пресс-конференция

19-го января в 13:00 в Доме прав человека состоится пресс-конференция, посвященная ситуации с правами человека в Беларуси. Международные эксперты, представители правозащитных организаций разных стран, представят свои оценки происходящего в Беларуси с точки зрения Прав человека, сценарии развития ситуации и озвучат предварительные итоги работы Международной Наблюдательной Миссии Комитета Международного Контроля за ситуацией с правами человека в Беларуси.

January 17, 2011

Belarus: a month after December 19th. What’s next? Press conference

On 19 January 2011, the Belarusian Human Rights House is hosting a press conference on the human rights situation in the Republic of Belarus. International experts and representatives of human rights organizations from different countries will present their assessment of what is happening in Belarus from the human rights perspective.

January 16, 2011

In Norway, one ‘illegal’ immigrant’s case stands for thousands

Amnesty International Norway and the Norwegian Helsinki Committee react strongly against the arrest and planned deportation of Maria Amelie, 25-years-old, whose parents left Caucasus when she was still a child. Maria Amelie has chosen to show a paperless face through her book and various appearances in the Norwegian society. Now she stands in danger of being deported.

January 14, 2011

Surveilance of Polish journalists case – new developments

In reference to the case of abuses in using surveillance methods against Polish journalists under the Law and Justice [Prawo i sprawiedliwość] government, Warsaw court declared that one of the journalist of the biggest Polish dailiy has the status of a victim in an investigation regarding the issue.

January 14, 2011

“Racism in Poland” Report

In January 2011 the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights published the report “Racism in Poland”. According to official statistics, the number of crimes committed in the Republic of Poland with reference to race, nationality or ethnicity is small. However, some of these acts may not be reported to law enforcement, or not recorded in statistics for other reasons.

January 13, 2011

PEN International sends letter to President Lukashenko

The President of PEN International, John Ralston Saul, PEN’s International Secretary, Hori Takeaki, and the Chair of the Writers in Prison Committee, Marian Botsford Fraser, have addressed a letter to President Lukashenko of Republic of Belarus today protesting recent events following the flawed presidential elections in the Republic of Belarus. They urge in the letter immediately to order the release of all arrested writers and journalists.

January 13, 2011

Арест Н. Низовкиной и Т. Стецуры

31 декабря в Улан-Удэ были помещены под стражу активистки “Солидарности” и “Демократического союза” Надежда Низовкина и Татьяна Стецура. О мере пресечения – заключении под стражу на два месяца до 28 февраля 2011 – приняла решение судья Ирина Левандовская.

January 13, 2011

Russian lawyers arrested ahead of freedom of expression campaign

On 31 December, Buryatian journalist and lawyer Nadezhda Nizovkina and lawyer Tatiana Stetsura were taken into custody following a court decision of the judge Irina Levandovskaya. It happened two hours before the start of a campaign to protect freedom of expression. Before the campaign, which was approved by the local authorities, they were warned by the Prosecutor about inadmissibility of their participation in the ‘extremist action’.

January 13, 2011

Затрыманні ў Беларусі: бесчалавечнае і зневажаючае абыходжанне

Згодна са справаздачай, складзенай расейскімі і беларускімі праваабаронцамі з Міжнароднай місіі па кантролі за захаваннем правоў чалавека ў Беларусі, затрыманні ў Менску ў дзень і пасля выбараў былі гвалтоўныя, бесчалавечныя і мелі зневажаючы характар. Разбіральніцтва не адпавядала крытэрыям сумленнага судовага працэсу.

January 13, 2011

Ongoing human rights violations in the aftermath of the elections in December 2010

The Human Rights House Foundation (HRHF) sent today updated information to the Special Rapporteurs on the Situation of Human Rights Defenders and on the Promotion and Protection of the Right to Freedom of Opinion and Expression about the human rights violations that continue in the Republic of Belarus.