

May 1, 2011

Politics, nudity and religion – main reasons of art censorship around the world in May

March brought nothing new to the grey side of art. Artists around the world were censored mostly because of politics, sexual content and religion. A new “Artist alert” published by free speech and human rights organisation Article 19 highlights cases in the Middle East region, Western Europe, USA and China.

May 1, 2011

European NGOs concerned over Human Rights Court reforms

Amnesty International together with some 270 other non governmental organizations across Europe, among them the Human Rights House Foundation, has signed a petition opposing the imposition of fees on applicants seeking justice in the European Court of Human Rights. After an inter-governmental conference examining proposed reforms to the Court. European Amnesty International said leaders must protect the independence and integrity of the Court.

May 1, 2011

Ministry of Information vs independent press in Belarus

The Belarusian Ministry of Information sues two major independent newspapers in the country – “Nasha Niva” and “Narodnaya Volya” – in order to shut them down. Voicing their protest, the members of the Belarusian Association of Journalists promise to “do all in [their] power for Belarus not to lose these voices of liberty, that are symbolic for the whole nation”.

May 1, 2011

Europe’s last authoritarian states retain control and undermine democratic developments

The Norwegian Helsinki Committee (NHC) has announced its annual report and made a statement on democratic setbacks in Azerbaijan, Belarus and Russia. The new report focuses on 2010 events in Belarus, Russia, Central Asia and Caucasus countries and development of human rights internationally.

April 30, 2011

Police and army brutality increases in Uganda

The Ugandan police and army continues its brutal handling of mass protests against rising food and fuel prices. Ugandan authorities have also cracked down on social and independent media. A coalition of CSOs protests the way freedoms and rights of Ugandans are violated.

April 30, 2011

Міністэрства інфармацыі Беларусі супраць незалежнай прэсы

Міністэрства інфармацыі Беларусі падала пазовы ў суд аб спыненні выпуску двух асноўных незалежных выданняў краіны – “Нашай Нівы” і “Народнай Волі”. Пратэстуючы супраць магчымага зачынення газет, прадстаўнікі Беларускай асацыяцыі журналістаў паабяцалі “зрабіць усё магчымае, каб Беларусь не страціла гэтыя свабодныя галасы, якія шмат у чым з’яўляюцца знакавымі для ўсёй нацыі”.

April 28, 2011

Chernobyl 25th anniversary: commemoration rally banned in Belarus

For the first time in the history of independent Belarus, the traditional “Chernobyl rally” did not happen on 26 April. The event to commemorate the victims of the worst ever nuclear disaster was prohibited by the authorities. In an atmosphere of fear and repression, nobody dared to exercise their freedom of assembly without permission, although the nuclear energy issue has once again become important in Belarus.

April 27, 2011

ECHR delivered a judgment on Girgvliani case

On April 26 the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) delivered a judgment on the case of Enukidze and Girgvliani v. Georgia (application no. 25091/07). According to the press release issued by the ECHR, Georgian authorities did not investigate effectively the kidnapping and killing of 28-year old man.

April 27, 2011

Book launch: The legacy of ‘Satanic Verses’

In February 1989, Iranian authorities issued international fatwa – a death sentence – against Salman Rushdie for having authored the novel ‘Satanic Verses’. In Norway as in many other countries, mobilisation for freedom of expression and a heated debate followed on where to draw the line between what some experienced as blasphemy and others saw as legitimate exercise of freedom of expression.

April 26, 2011

Прайсці “Чарнобыльскі шлях” беларусам не дазволілі

Упершыню ў гісторыі незалежнай Беларусі 26 красавіка не адбылося шэсце, прымеркаванае да гадавіны Чарнобыльскай катастрофы, якая балюча адбілася на беларускім народзе. Традыцыйнае мерапрыемства апазіцыі забаранілі ўлады. У атмасферы рэпрэсій і страху ніхто не рашыўся ладзіць шэсце без дазволу, хаця пытанне атамнай энергетыкі для Беларусі – актуальнае як ніколі.

April 26, 2011

Writing Freedom: The English PEN Roadshow

For ninety years, English PEN has been fighting for the freedom to write and the freedom to read at home and abroad. In this special birthday performance, devised in partnership with Jonathan Holmes of Jericho House Theatre Company, today’s authors draw on the words of those who have led PEN’s fight over the last century, from HG Wells to Monica Ali.

April 26, 2011

Nobel Peace Prize Documentary on Liu Xiaobo

On 9 May will be shown the first public screening in the UK of ‘I have no enemies’, the Nobel Peace Prize Documentary on Liu Xiaobo, the only Nobel laureate currently in detention.