

September 23, 2011

HRHF raises concerns at the UN about human rights situation in Belarus

Concerns about the continuously deteriorating human rights situation in Belarus were raised by the Human Rights House Foundation (HRHF) at the most recent UN Human Rights Council session. In its oral statement, HRHF highlighted the escalating repression against human rights defenders and their organisations, lawyers, journalists and political activists.

September 23, 2011

Released political prisoners tell about the pressure in prisons

Released on 14 September, political prisoners have told about the conditions of their imprisonment, threats and pressure from the side of administration. Meanwhile, a number of Belarusian intellectuals expressed their concern regarding the conditions of detention of political prisoner, Zmitser Dashkevich.

September 21, 2011

Вызваленыя палітвязні распавялі пра ціск у турмах

Вызваленыя 14 верасня палітвязні распавялі пра ўмовы свайго ўтрымання ў турмах, пра пагрозы ды ціск з боку адміністрацыі. Прадстаўнікі беларускай інтэлігенцыі тым часам выказваюць сваю занепакоенасць з нагоды ўмоваў утрымання палітвязня Змітра Дашкевіча.

September 19, 2011

HRHT dedicates a Peace Week to the International Day of Peace

The Human Rights House Tbilisi (HRHT) is organizing a Peace Week dedicated to the International Day of Peace. Numerous activities are scheduled to commemorate the day.

September 18, 2011

Ethiopia: five opposition activists and five journalists charged with terrorism

Five opposition activist and five journalists have been recently arrested in Ethiopia under abusive Anti-terrorism law. Terrorism charges brought against two Ethiopian journalists and one Swedish reporter on 6 September could see them imprisoned for up to 20 years if convicted.

September 18, 2011

Kurds vs. Turkey: in search of lasting solution

Series of cross-border air strikes by Turkey has killed up to 100 Kurdish guerrillas in northern Iraq, according to the Turkish military leadership. However, government’s continued military action against Kurds is criticised both by the opposition and many Middle East analysts. The ruling party is also blamed for inability to stop the oppression of its ethnic minorities and silencing critical voices.

September 15, 2011

Russia: same old, same old

Several key areas where Russian government has yet to make a progress if the country wants to be more democratic remain to be a core issue with regard to human rights within Russian Federation. It was outlined during the visit of human rights defenders from the Norwegian Helsinki Committee to St. Petersburg and Moscow on 8-12 September.

September 14, 2011

Amendments to the Penal Execution Code approved by the Senate committiees

The Senate’s Human Rights, the Rule of Law and Petitions Committee and the Legislative Committee of the Polish Senate held a joint meeting. The agenda of the meeting included the amendment to the Penal Execution Code. The draft law proposes major changes to the current wording of the Code. The HFHR presented its position on the issue of legislative changes.

September 14, 2011

Government Legislation Centre responds in the matter of the amendment of Assemblies Act

The Head of the Government Legislation Centre (RCL) responded to the HFHR’s letter concerning the amendment to the Assemblies Act. Maciej Berek, Head of the RCL, said there had been no defects in the RCL’s course of action discussed in the letter. In August 2011 the HFHR appealed in this case to the Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk

September 14, 2011

Event at HRC highlights systematic abuses in Ethiopia

UNPO-organized event at Human Rights Council highlights severe abuses in Ethiopia’s Somali region, political repression and widespread denial of aid to punish political opponents

September 14, 2011

Human rights defenders demand release of political prisoners in Belarus (updated)

A series of special events designed by FIDH is taking place now. These activities aim to achieve the release of political prisoners, among whom is now vice president of FIDH, the head of the Human Rights Centre “Viasna” Ales Bialiatski. 11 more political prisoners were released on 14 September. The Human Rights House Foundation has prepared a special statement to the UN Human Rights Council

September 14, 2011

Праваабаронцы патрабуюць вызвалення палітвязняў у Беларусі (абноўлена)

Распачалося правядзенне спецыяльных мерапрыемстваў, распрацаваных FIDH і накіраваных на вызваленне беларускіх палітвязняў, у лік якіх зараз уваходзіць і віцэ-прэзідэнт FIDH, кіраўнік Правабарончага цэнтра “Вясна” Алесь Бяляцкі.14 верасня былі вызваленыя яшчэ 11 палітвязняў.Фундацыя Дамоў правоў чалавека падрыхтавала адмысловую заяву ў Раду па правах чалавека.