

October 11, 2011

Kazakhstan: President should return restrictive laws on religion to Parliament

On September 29, Kazakhstan government passed new laws which tighten government control over religious communities. According to the law, every religious community will have to register with the government. Moreover, a special permit by local and central government will be required to build any new house of worship. According to various NGOs, such law will have negative implications on civil society.

October 10, 2011

Activists and politicians reminded Belarusians about the death penalty

10 October is the International Day against Death Penalty. Belarus is the only country in Europe, where the murder of citizens takes place in accordance with the law. The European politicians have called upon Belarusian authorities to impose a moratorium on the death penalty, while the Belarusian human rights defenders reminded passers-by on the streets of Minsk about the issues connected with death penalty.

October 10, 2011

Уладам і жыхарам Беларусі нагадалі пра праблему смяротнага пакарання

10 кастрычніка — Міжнародны дзень барацьбы супраць смяротнага пакарання. Беларусь — адзіная краіна Еўропы, дзе забойства грамадзян адбываецца ў адпаведнасці з законам. Еўрапейскія палітыкі заклікалі ўлады Беларусі ўвесці мараторый на смяротную кару, а беларускія праваабаронцы нагадалі мінакам на вуліцах Мінску пра праблемы, звязаныя з пакараннем смерцю.

October 10, 2011

Night of the Imprisoned Writer

A unique performance evening to mark the 30th annual Day of the Imprisoned Writer, in association with ice&fire theatre company.

October 10, 2011

Worldwide Reading: Burma’s silenced poets

English PEN and the Free Burma VJ campaign will be holding a Poetry Protest outside the Burmese Embassy in London to call for the immediate and unconditional release of the many Burmese writers currently detained in violation of their right to free expression.

October 10, 2011

Writing Freedom: The English PEN Roadshow

For ninety years, English PEN has been fighting for the freedom to write and the freedom to read at home and abroad.

October 8, 2011

Yemeni press freedom activist’s Nobel Prize – inspiration to all Yemeni women

Tawakkol Karman, right, a prominent opposition figure and the face of Yemen’s anti-government movement over the past nine months has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for her role as “a leading part in the struggle for women’s rights and for democracy and peace in Yemen”. Human rights organisations congratulate the Nobel committee for recognising the importance of women fighting for free speech.

October 7, 2011

Belarusian authorities figured out how to prevent the silent protests

Wednesday – is the traditional day of silent protests in Belarus. Since 21 September the organizers of the “Revolution through social networks” have decided to hold the actions in the new format. But already on 3 October, the parliament promptly adopted amendments to the “Law on Mass Events” directed against such actions.

October 6, 2011

Can a scientific review be the cause of action in a defamation suit?

Sławomir Poleszak, PhD, head of the Public Education Office of the Lublin branch of the Institute of National Remembrance, wrote a review of the book “National Armed Forces in the Lublin region” by Professor Mirosław Piotrowski. The review was to be published in the Freedom and Independence History Research Bulletin (the actual publication never took place).

October 6, 2011

Улады Беларусі прыдумалі, як пазбавіцца ад акцый маўклівага пратэсту

Серада — гэта традыцыйны дзень правядзення маўклівых акцый пратэсту ў Беларусі. З 21 верасня арганізатары «Рэвалюцыі праз сацыяльныя сеткі» вырашылі праводзіць акцыі ў новым фармаце . А 3 кастрычніка надзвычай аператыўна былі прынятыя папраўкі ў «Закон аб масавых мерапрыемствах» , скіраваныя супраць падобных акцый.

October 5, 2011

Changes in Burma? In a woman’s perspective

It is said there are reforms going on in Burma after the election last year. At the same time there are still around 2000 political prisoners in Burmese jails and the level of conflict in ethnic areas have escalated.

October 5, 2011

Прагляд фільма і дыскусія “Рэжым Лукашэнкі не любіць апладысменты”

Літоўскі кінафестываль “Нязручнае кіно”, Беларускі Дом правоў чалавека і арганізацыя Belarus Watch запрашаюць на прагляд фільма пра беларускі Вольны тэатр і дыскусію: ці можа чалавек карыстацца сваёй свабодай выказвання меркаванняў і свабоды сходаў у Беларусі? Чаму ўсё больш і больш грамадзян Беларусі, журналісты, мастакі, навукоўцы і іншыя просяць палітычнага прытулку ў Літве і іншых краінах? Якая сітуацыя з правамі чалавека ў Беларусі?