Azerbaijan authorities arrest prominent human rights defenders
The Human Rights House Foundation (HRHF) was informed today by its partners that prominent human rights defenders were arrested in Baku, Azerbaijan, in connection with a protest held on Saturday 26 January 2013.
Judge’s assistants and court personnel as an important link in the judicial decision-making process
The requirements for candidates for judge’s assistants and court personnel do not match the reality. Furthermore, it follows from the HFHR report entitled the remuneration system for judge’s assistants and court personnel is unclear and inadequate, and is coupled with unsatisfactory perspectives for promotion and professional development.
Creator of will not be punished for defaming President
The Court of Appeal in Łódź discontinued the case against the creator of the web portal with respect to the charges involving defamation of the President of Poland.
Chronicle of detentions foretold
After the Parliamentary Election of October 1, 2012 people in Georgia already expected that several senior officials of the previous government would be placed behind bars. One of the main pre-election promises of winning political coalition Georgian Dream was to investigate corruption and torture crimes allegedly committed by former senior governmental officials and to hold them responsible for those crimes. A series of detainments started on November 6 with the detention of Bacho Akhalaia, the former minister of interior. After the Parliamentary Elections of October 2012, about 25 former senior officials were detained under various charges in Georgia.
Навучальны візіт беларускіх юрыстаў у Страсбург: тэорыя была рэалізаваная на практыцы
З 27 па 29 лістапада 2012 г група беларускіх выпускнікоў, навучэнцаў, арганізатараў і экспертаў Праграмы Сеткі Дамоў Правоў Чалавека “Міжнароднае права для абароны грамадскіх інтарэсаў” у складзе 22 чалавек знаходзілася з навучальным візітам у Страсбургу.
Call to Council of Europe for human rights in Azerbaijan
A group of Azerbaijani and international NGOs calls upon the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe to strongly defend human rights in Azerbaijan.
President requests constitutional review of the amendment to the Act on Upbringing in Sobriety
President Bronisław Komorowski will apply to the Constitutional Tribunal for the preventive review of the amendment to the Act on Upbringing in Sobriety and Counteracting Alcoholism, announced Krzysztof Hubert Łaszkiewicz, Secretary of State at the Presidential Chancellery during the Thursday’s press briefing.
Belarusians observed the presidential elections in the Czech Republic
The group of short-term international observers visited 182 polling stations across the country. Belarusian observers noted the high level of election’s organization as well as transparent and effective vote counting system.
Trial of Mosina blogger comes to an end
The Circuit Court in Poznań, re-hearing the case of Łukasz Kasprowicz, a blogger from Mosina, a town located near Poznań in western Poland, discontinued on 10 January 2013 the criminal proceedings brought against Mr Kasprowicz (case no. IV Ka 1158/12) citing negligible social harm presented by the alleged offence.
Беларусы назіралі за прэзідэнцкімі выбарамі ў Чэхіі
Група кароткатэрміновых міжнародных наведала 182 выбарчыя ўчасткі ў розных рэгіёнах краіны. Беларускія назіральнікі адзначылі высокі ўзровень арганізацыі выбараў і звярнулі ўвагу на празрыстую і эфектыўную сістэму падліку галасоў.
Ministry of Interior responds to a legal interpretation unfavourable to foreigners
In a letter to the HFHR, the Ministry of Interior agreed to review the practice of applying the provisions governing the status of foreigners unable to obtain a passport. According to initial communications with the Head of the Office for Foreigners, the MoI approached the issue differently than administrative organs.
Twenty years of Legal Aid for Refugees and Migrants
In November 2012, 20 years had passed since the launch of the Legal Assistance for Refugees and Migrants Programme of the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights. Basic tasks of the Programme include providing free of charge legal advice to foreign clients seeking the HFHR’s assistance, as well as taking advocacy and litigation actions.