The OBS condemned violations of rights of non-governmental organisations to access financing
The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders published an annual report, which draws attention to the new negative trends which hamper the effective work of human rights defenders. The report mentions the situation in Belarus among others.
More Azerbaijani activists arrested
An Azerbaijani court ordered detention of another human rights activists in this country. They have been charged with illegal possession of arms. According to local human rights advocates and NGOs, the arrests are related to the protests organised in March.
Абсерваторыя па абароне праваабаронцаў асудзіла парушэнні правоў НДА ў доступе да фінансавання
Абсерваторыя па абароне праваабаронцаў апублікавала гадавую справаздачу, дзе звяртаецца ўвага на новыя негатыўныя тэндэнцыі, якія перашкаджаюць эфектыўнай працы праваабаронцаў. У справаздачы сярод іншых згадваецца сітуацыя ў Беларусі.
Statement in response to Lublin councillors position
In late March, the Lublin City Council resolved, “in consideration of the Christian traditions” of the city, to cease the municipal financing of “the works and events contrary to public morale or promoting scandalous content”. The HFHR brought the matter to the attention of the Mayor of Lublin.
Финальная международная конференция проекта “Дистанционное обучение адвокатов правам человека”
Финальная конференция проекта “Международное право для защиты общественных интересов. Дистанционное обучение адвокатов правам человека” (ILIA-EHREL) проводится для самых успешных участников из Азербайджана, Беларуси, Молдовы, России и Украины.
ILIA-EHREL Final Conference
The final conference of the Project “International Law in Advocacy. Human Rights Education for Lawyers” will be held for the most successful participants from Azerbaijan, Belarus, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine.
Belarusian participants of ILIA project considered the best lawyers of the year
Belarusian participants of the project “The Electronic Human Rights Education for Lawyers” (EHREL) Alvina Dryha and Alina Shostak (right) were recognized for their work in the field of human rights and won the “Lawyer of 2012” award.
Белорусские участницы проекта ILIA признаны лучшими адвокатами года
Белорусские участницы проекта «Дистанционное обучение адвокатов правам человека» Альвина Дриго и Алина Шостак (на фото) получили признание за свою профессиональную деятельность в области защиты прав человека и стали лауреатами премии «Адвокат года 2012».
Trial about bunch of grapes ends after seven years
Precisely seven years after two Pruszków psychiatrist had been detained pending trial, the Warsaw Circuit Court discontinued the proceedings against Urszula L. citing the negligible social harm presented by the alleged offences. The Court also affirmed the lower instance’s acquittal of other defendant, Andrzej S. The judgement is final.
Abu Zubaydah’s application against Poland filed to the ECtHR
The European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg has received the application brought in the case of Abu Zubaydah vs. Poland. This is yet another case related to human right infringements that allegedly happened in the secret CIA prison in Poland.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs urged to respond to crackdown of Russian NGOs
The HFHR urged Minister of Foreign Affairs Radosław Sikorski to spare no effort, both in the bilateral relations with Russia and at the level of international organisations, to counteract threats to the functioning of the civil society in that country. The HFHR responded to thorough inspections of Russian non-governmental organisations carried out by the country’s authorities in the last several weeks.
Azerbaijan UPR advocacy
In preparation of the Human Rights Council’s Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Human Rights House Foundation (HRHF) is organising advocacy days in Geneva, in connection with the UPR pre-session.