

May 27, 2013

Human rights in Belarus

The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the human rights situation in Belarus will present his report on 4 June to the Human Rights Council. At the opening of the 23rd session of the Human Rights Council on Monday 27 May, a coalition of NGOs organises a side-event on the situation in Belarus.

May 27, 2013

Moving from defunding NGOs to defending civil society

A Discussion of Foreign Funding Cons

May 26, 2013

Ukrainian ILIA project participant stands for the rights of people with disabilities

Dmytro Zharyi (right), the Ukrainian participant of the Human Rights House Network project “International Law in Advocacy. Electronic Human Rights Education for Lawyers” won a case, forcing the state to meet international obligations to create favourable conditions for people with disabilities to access the pharmacies and medical institutions.

May 26, 2013

Праваабаронцы заклікаюць спыніць ціск на Алеся Бяляцкага

Міжнародныя праваабарончыя арганізацыі звяртаюць увагу на несправядлівае знаходжанне Алеся Бяляцкага (на фота) за кратамі і заклікаюць беларускія ўлады вызваліць і рэабілітаваць праваабаронцу.

May 25, 2013

Украинский участник проекта ILIA борется за права людей с ограниченными возможностями

Украинский участник проекта Сети Домов прав человека “Международное право для защиты общественных интересов. Дистанционное обучение адвокатов правам человека ” Дмитрий Жарый (на фото), выиграв судебное дело, заставил государство выполнять международные обязательства по созданию лучших условий доступа в аптеки и медецинские учреждения для людей с ограниченными возможностями.

May 25, 2013

Праграма фестываля “toKino”

З 28 траўня да 1 чэрвеня ў Вільні (Літва) пройдзе беларуска-літоўскі фестываль небюджэтнага кіно – “toKino”. “toKino” – гэта фестываль небюджэтных фільмаў, створаных на сродкі аўтараў або ў рамках кінаклубаў, некамерцыйных і неінстытуцыяналізаваных праектаў.

May 22, 2013

Intervention concerning discrimination in access to employment in the Police

The HFHR has addressed the Human Rights Defender with a formal intervention regarding limited access to public services due to the candidate’s past health issues. The intervention concerns a 37-year old man with a history of cardiovascular health condition. The person was ascribed to category “E” by a conscript medical evaluation committee (long-term and complete inability to serve in the army in the time of peace, call-up and war).

May 21, 2013

13th WATCH DOCS film submission open

We have the pleasure to announce that the 13th International Film Festival WATCH DOCS. Human Rights in Film now accepts submissions of films. The festival will take place on 6-12 December 2013. The deadline for submitting films is 5 August 2013.

May 21, 2013

HRHT concern letter regarding violent attack on LGBT action

The members of the Human Rights House Tbilisi are deeply concerned about fact of violent attack on LGBT activists who were assembling on May 17 for a peaceful rally to mark the international Day against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHO).

May 20, 2013

From knowledge to action – lawyers from five countries will help the Human Rights Houses

On 13-15 of May Vilnius hosted the final conference of the Human Rights House Network’s project “International Law in Advocacy. The Electronic Human Rights Education for Lawyers”. The participants of this conference were the best lawyers and advocates from Azerbaijan, Belarus, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine. During the year they were studying online, performing tasks, discussing the problems of legal protection on the forums and at the same time practicing their skills of applying the international standards into professional activities.

May 20, 2013

Путь от знаний к действиям – юристы из пяти стран окажут помощь Домам прав человека

С 13 по 15 мая в Вильнюсе прошла финальная конференция проекта Сети Домов прав человека “Международное право для защиты общественных интересов. Дистанционное обучение адвокатов правам человека “. Участниками конференции стали лучшие юристы и адвокаты из Азербайджана, Беларуси, Молдовы, России и Украины – которые в течение года, обучаясь онлайн, выполняли задания, обсуждали проблемы судебной защиты в форумах и одновременно отрабатывали навыки работы с международными стандартами в практической профессиональной деятельности.

May 20, 2013

Opening ceremony of the Human Rights House Tbilisi

Human Rights House Tbilisi is pleased to announce the official opening day of HRHT, which will take place on June 3, at 4 p.m. Official inauguration of HRHT will be followed by a reception. The event will take place at the HRHT premise – Meliton Kantaria 11a, Tbilisi, Georgia.
The Human Rights House Tbilisi was established and registered in 2010. The purpose of the HRHT is to promote and defend human rights and fundamental freedoms and to support the development of democratic institutions in Georgia.
The Human Rights House Tbilisi is a member of the Human Rights House Network, which consists of more than 70 organizations in 15 countries. The members of the House in Tbilisi are: Human Rights Centre (HRIDC), Article 42 of the constitution, Georgian Centre for psycho-social and medical rehabilitation support of Torture victims (GCRT), Union Safari, Human Rights and Conflict Studies- Caucasia, Media Institute.