

September 5, 2013

Human rights activist arrested in Bangladesh: letter to Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights has written an official letter to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs requesting the Ministry to initiate a diplomatic intervention concerning the arrest of a human rights defender in Bangladesh, Adilur Rahman Khan.

September 4, 2013

Amendments to the Constitution of Azerbaijan and democratic rules. Legal opinion

Human Rights Club of Azerbaijan and the Polish Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights on 10 August 2013 present the legal opinion on presidential elections in Azerbaijan. The opinion has been prepared by distinguished constitutional law scholar Professor Wojciech Sadurski.

September 3, 2013

Political prisoner Aliaksandr Frantskievich is released

On 3 September the term of imprisonment of political prisoner Aliaksandr Frantskievich (right) has ended. He spent 3 years in prison. After his release, Aliaksandr spoke about the pressure he was under in prison, and his plans for the future.

September 3, 2013

На волю выйшаў палітвязень Аляксандр Францкевіч

3 верасня скончыўся тэрмін зняволення палітвязня Аляксанда Францкевіча (на фота), які правёў 3 гады у калоніі. Пасля вызвалення Аляксандр распавёў пра ціск, які аказваўся на яго ў зняволенні, і свае планы на будучыню.

September 2, 2013

Political prisoner Zmitser Dashkevich is free

Zmitser Dashkevich, the leader of the “Young Front” was released from Hrodna prison in the morning, on 28 August. The prisoner of conscience was met by dozens of people – friends, journalists and his wife – Anastasiya Dashkevich.

September 2, 2013

Палітвязень Зміцер Дашкевіч на волі

Лідэра «Маладога фронту» Зміцера Дашкевіча выпусцілі з Гарадзенскай турмы раніцай 28 жніўня. Палітычнага вязня сумлення сустракалі дзесяткі людзей – сябры, журналісты і жонка Наста Дашкевіч.

September 2, 2013

The Barys Zvozskau Belarusian Human Rights House calls for volunteers

The Barys Zvozskau Belarusian Human Rights House calls for people with active civic stand in life, who are ready to dedicate their time and efforts to volunteering, who are interested in gaining experience and knowledge, as well as meeting new people, to join a team of volunteer trainees.

September 2, 2013

Беларускі ДПЧ імя Барыса Звозкава запрашае да супрацоўніцтва валанцёраў

Беларускі ДПЧ імя Барыса Звозкава заклікае людзей з актыўнай грамадзянскай і жыццёвай пазіцыяй, гатовых прысвяціць свае высілкі і час валанцёрскай працы і зацікаўленых у набыцці вопыту, новых знаёмстваў і ведаў, далучыцца да каманды валанцёраў-практыкантаў.

September 2, 2013

Беларускі ДПЧ імя Барыса Звозкава запрашае да супрацоўніцтва валанцёраў

To: Friday, 20. September 2013 Where: Вільня Host: Беларускі ДПЧ імя Барыса Звозкава

August 26, 2013

Belarusian human rights defenders in solidarity with the Voronezh Human Rights House

More than twenty Homel civil and political activists put their signatures in support of the Human Rights House (HRH), which is located in the Russian sister city of Homel – Voronezh. The appeal was addressed to Alexey Gordeev, who is the governor of the Voronezh Region. The appeal contained a request not to deprive the Center for Human Rights, the premises, where it was located.

August 26, 2013

PACE session

When: Sunday, 29. September 2013 To: Thursday, 3. October 2013 Where: Strasbourg More info:

August 26, 2013

UN General Assembly

When: Monday, 23. September 2013 To: Tuesday, 1. October 2013 Where: New York More info: