

October 11, 2013

Citizens of Azerbaijan deserve better

-The observations on the pre-election period and the election day reported by Organisation for Cooperation and Security in Europe (OSCE) are also reflected in the reports by independent national observers in Azerbaijan, says Maria Dahle, executive director of Human Rights House Foundation.

October 10, 2013

10th anniversary of Marek Nowicki’s demise

On 10 October 2013, ten years passed since the death of Marek Nowicki, a human rights advocate, a superb teacher, the first President of the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights and, most of all, our great Friend.

October 10, 2013

UN expert calls to stop executions after recent court rulings

– I am deeply disappointed by the rulings of Belarusian courts which continue to hand down death sentences to the country’s citizens, The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Belarus, Miklos Haraszti, says, expressing his regret regarding the decision of the country’s Supreme Court.

October 9, 2013

President grants citizenship to a minor Cuban girl

The Cuban girl was born in 2010 in Poland but she acquired neither Polish nor Cuban citizenship. As a result, the girl was stateless for three years. According to Cuban law, proceedings leading to the acquisition of Cuban citizenship must take place in Cuba. The proceedings take at least three months and during the period at least one parent of the child must be present in Cuba.

October 9, 2013

– An extensive campaign against independent voices

22 human rights organisations, including Human Rights House Foundation, call upon Azerbaijan to take immediate action to ensure that fundamental rights are protected during the ongoing presidential election and to ensure the election is free and fair.

October 8, 2013

Belarusian lawyers and HR defenders share experience and knowledge in the field of human rights

Belarusian human rights defenders and lawyers, trained in the framework of the “International Law in Advocacy” program, presented their projects in the field of human rights protection and invited colleagues to join their implementation during the event in Vilnius.

October 7, 2013

Беларуские адвокаты и правозащитники делятся опытом и знаниями в области защиты прав человека

Беларуские адвокаты и правозащитники, прошедшие обучение в рамках программы “Международное право для защиты общественных интересов”, в Вильнюсе представили свои проекты в области защиты прав человека и пригласили коллег присоединиться к их реализации.

October 5, 2013

Azerbaijan’s president run turns ugly over media crackdown

-Azerbaijan’s government must respect the responsibility of journalists to document events and report the views of citizens, especially in the run-up to the presidential election, the Institute for Reporters’ Freedom and Safety (IRFS) says in a statement.

October 4, 2013

Results of the Fourth Competition for the Best Master Thesis on Human Rights

The Competition’s award committee chaired by Professor Ewa Łętowska granted one third place award and two special prizes. The laureate of the third place award is Tomasz Dudek, graduate of the Institute of International Relations, the University of Warsaw, who wrote his master’s thesis entitled “The methods of interpretation of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms on the example of cases concerning discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation”.

October 4, 2013

“Last Dawn”. Music saves lives

The opening of the musical project “The Last Dawn”, whose members advocate for an end to the practice of the death penalty in Belarus will take place on 5 October on the live air of the web portal ad the internet editions and “Nasha Niva”. The live air will started at 7 p.m.

October 4, 2013

“Апошні золак”. Музыка ратуе жыцці

Прэм’ера музычнага праекту “Апошні золак”, удзельнікі якога выступаюць за спыненне практыкі смяротнага пакарання ў Беларусі, адбудзецца 5 кастрычніка ў жывым эфіры партала і інтэрнэт-выданняў і “Наша ніва”. Пачнецца трансляцыя ў 19 гадзін па беларускім часе.

October 3, 2013

6th Budapest Human Rights Forum

When: Thursday, 7. November 2013 To: Friday, 8. November 2013 Where: Budapest More info: