Палітвязень Алесь Бяляцкі раптоўна вызвалены
Алесь Бяляцкі патэлефанаваў жонцы і паведаміў, што накіроўваецца ў Мінск на электрычцы. Ён правёў за кратамі 2 гады, 10 месяцаў і 17 дзён.
First hearing in case of prisoner transfers
District Court for the Warsaw’s Mokotów borough held the first hearing in the case of W.W., a convicted felon with a spine condition, who has repeatedly been transferred between the prisons where he was staying and the criminal courts. As a result of the transfers, his health has deteriorated. W.W. brought legal action against the State Treasury, represented by the Chief Commissioner of the Police and Director General of the Prison Service.
Civil trial starts in case brought by paedophile priest victim
Marcin K. has filed a lawsuit against Zbigniew R., the Kołobrzeg-Koszalin Diocese and St. Adalbert Roman Catholic Parish. He requests an apology in the national edition of the Gazeta Wyborcza daily newspaper and Newsweek magazine, and PLN 200,000 as compensation for moral damages caused by a priest’s sexual abuse. The first hearing in the case of Marcin K. was held in the Regional Court in Koszalin.
Two years without Barys Zvozskau
On 17 June it was 2 years since the untimely death of Barys Zvozskau, the prominent Belarusian human rights defender, who passed away after a serious and long illness.
2 гады без Барыса Звозскава
17 чэрвеня споўнілася два гады са дня заўчаснай смерці вядомага беларускага праваабаронцы Барыса Звоскава пасля цяжкай і працяглай хваробы.
ILIA conference: How to protect those who defend human rights?
On 2-3 June 2014 Vilnius hosted conference “Lawyers: Human Rights Protection and Professional Security Guarantees”. The participants of the conference discussed issues of lawyers’ work in the field of human rights protection and guarantees that ensure working conditions for lawyers.
Конференция ILIA: Как защитить тех, кто защищает права человека?
2-3 июня 2014 года, в Вильнюсе прошла конференция «Адвокаты: защита прав человека и гарантии осуществления профессиональной деятельности», в рамках которой участники обсудили вопросы деятельности адвокатов в области защиты прав человека и гарантии, которые обеспечивают условия работы адвокатов.
Court of Appeal revokes interim injunction
The Court of Appeal in Warsaw has revoked an interim injunction order issued against a journalist of a local newspaper. The injunction imposed on the journalist a year-long ban on covering a certain subject.
Constitutional Tribunal: right to defence laws for petty offenders unconstitutional
Under the current rules of procedure applicable in petty offence cases, a person accused of committing a petty offence has no ability to seek advice from counsel at the preliminary stage of the proceedings. The provisions in question also fails to grant the accused access to case files. Last week, the Constitutional Tribunal’s ruling declared these laws unconstitutional.
“Procedural Fairness in Juvenile Justice”
The Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights has published a monograph entitled “Procedural Fairness in Juvenile Justice”, which is an outcome of the project “Children in Detention: Joint Achievements versus a Need for a Reform”.
ECtHR: judge’s dismissal from the role of President of Supreme Court violates Convention
The ECtHR proclaimed judgement in the case of Andras Baka v. Hungary. Andras Baka was President of the Hungarian Supreme Court. Following the constitutional reform in 2011 and the transformation of the Supreme Court into a new body, the Curia, he was removed from his function. The ECtHR ruled, among other things, that the dismissal violated the right to have access to a court. The HFHR filed an amicus curiae brief in the proceedings pending before the ECtHR.
The HFHR reviews draft legislative guidelines on video surveillance
The Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights has submitted a review of draft premises of a law on video surveillance. The draft, prepared by the Ministry of the Interior at the end of 2013, has been supported by the HFHR. It was noted in the review that surveillance “is a tool that may interfere with the right to privacy and therefore it is essential from the perspective of civil rights and freedoms to put in place a proper legal framework governing its functioning”.