Международный день солидарности с гражданским обществом Беларуси
4 августа – Международный день солидарности с гражданским обществом Беларуси. Именно в этот день в 2011 году в Минске был задержан известный белорусский правозащитник Алесь Беляцкий. 21 июня 2014 г. Алесь Беляцкий был внезапно освобожден по амнистии, но в Беларуси остаются другие политзаключенные и нет гарантий, что новых преследований по политическим мотивам не будет.
Discussion on the death penalty in Belarus was held in Vilnius
The participants of the Summer School on Human Rights, which is held every year in the Belarusian HRH, met Tamara Chikunova, who founded the “Mothers Against the Death Penalty and Torture” organization, after her only son was shot in Tashkent.
У Вільні прайшла дыскусія на тэму смяротнага пакарання
З удзельнікамі летняй школы па правах чалавека, што кожны год праходзіць у беларускім ДПЧ, сустрэлася Тамара Чыкунова, якая пасля таго, як у Ташкенце расстралялі яе адзінага сына, заснавала арганізацыю “Маці супраць смяротнага пакарання і катаванняў”.
HFHR report: Legislative Process and the Justice System
“Over the last two years, there has been a visible improvement in the organisation of the cabinet stage of the legislative process”, reveals the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights report on the legislative process in Poland.
Launch of voluntary resettlement programme for Syrian refugees still uncertain
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has responded to the call by the HFHR and other non-governmental organisations in which the NGOs requested the development of a voluntary resettlement programme for refugees from Syria. “We are aware of the tremendous humanitarian needs resulting from the conflict in Syria, and financially speaking the Polish involvement is rather insignificant”, reads the Ministry’s response.
Lawyers are ready to help improve Belarusian legislation on Advocacy
On 16 July the presentation of the Commentary on the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Advocacy and advocatory activities” took place in Minsk. Belarusian lawyers, human rights defenders and civil society representatives took part in the presentation and the following discussion.
Юристы готовы помочь усовершенствовать белорусское законодательство об адвокатуре
16 июля в Минске прошла презентация постатейного комментария к Закону Республики Беларусь “Об адвокатуре и адвокатской деятельности”. В презентации и последующей дискуссии приняли участие белорусские юристы, правозащитники и представители гражданского общества.
Dismissal from work for attending Equality March is discrimination
Last week, the District Court for Warszawa-Śródmieście made a judgment in which it held that termination of an employment contract of an employee on the ground that he attended the Equality March was illegal and discriminatory. The claimant, Ariel T., has been awarded compensation of PLN 2,500.
Victim of illegal detention awarded nearly PLN 145,000 in compensation for financial and moral loss
Bogusław Pyrak has been illegitimately detained on remand for more than 12 months. Last week, the Regional Court in Płock awarded him nearly PLN 145,000 in compensation for the financial and moral losses the man suffered due to his illegal detention.
Bialiatski praises support of the international community and recalls the other political prisoners
Human rights defender Ales Bialiatski continues meetings with European politicians and human rights defenders after his release.
Алесь Бяляцкі дзякуе міжнароднай супольнасці за падтрымку ды нагадвае пра іншых палітвязняў
Праваабаронца Алесь Бяляцкі пасля свайго вызвалення працягвае сустрэчы з еўрапейскімі палітыкамі і праваабаронцамі.