The second round of the UPR: Report of Belarus discussed in the UN Human Rights Council
On 4 May Belarus presented the report to the Human Rights Council in the framework of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR). This is the second cycle of the UPR for Belarus, so the country reported on the implementation of recommendations that were received after the first round of the UPR in 2010.
Другі раўнд УПА: справаздачу Беларусі абмеркавалі ў Савеце па правах чалавека ААН
4 траўня ў межах працэдуры Універсальнага перыядычнага агляду (УПА ) Беларусь прадставіла справаздачу Савету па правах чалавека ААН. Гэта ўжо другі раўнд УПА для Беларусі, таму краіна паведаміла пра выкананне рэкамендацый, якія былі атрыманыя па выніках перашага раўнда UPR у 2010 годзе.
Belarusian authorities continue to ban foreign human rights defenders from entering the country
Lars Bünger, president of the international human rights organization Libereco – Partnership for Human Rights was denied a Belarusian visa. This is the fourth denial for the human rights defender, whose organisation has been campaigning for the release of political prisoners in Belarus over the last four years. Earlier, he was denied a visa in 2010, 2011 and 2013.
Inhabitants of former neurology institute vs. Telasi
Neurology Institute – one of the most significant medical institutions in the Soviet Union was located in the high building in Gudamakari Street in Tbilisi since 1980s. After socially indigent families settled in the building, its profile changed and the state assigned it on the new inhabitants. Most of the socially indigent families registered the spaces in the former building of the Neurology Institute. JSC Telasi [Tbilisi Electricity Distribution Company] imposed the bill arrears of the Neurology Institute on the families; the company demands them to pay 87 lari for one square meter.
Беларускія ўлады па-ранейшаму забараняюць замежным праваабаронцам уезд у краіну
Старшыні міжнароднай праваабарончай арганізацыі Libereco – Partnership for Human Rights Ларсу Бюнгеру адмоўлена ў беларускай візе. Гэта чацвертая адмова ў беларускай візе праваабаронцу, чыя арганізацыя апошнія чатыры гады ладзіць кампанію за вызваленне палітычных вязняў Беларусі. Папярэднія адмовы былі ў 2010, 2011 і 2013 гадах.
Awarded for human rights efforts in Ukraine
Center for Civil Liberties has been awarded the Norwegian Lindebrække prize for democracy and human rights.
“It is important to support and honour those who took part in Ukraine’s democracy movement. Those who worked day and night, speaking up for a democratic development in Ukraine – and later investigating the crimes that took place at Maidan. This year’s recipient of Sjur Lindebrække Prize for Human Rights of Democracy is such a voice.” said the chairman of the jury and former Minister of Foreign Affairs in Norway, Jan Petersen.
HRHN condemns the 7.5 years sentence for Intigam Aliyev
Intigam Aliyev, prominent human rights lawyer from Azerbaijan, was sentenced to seven and a half years in prison. In addition he is deprived of the right to hold an official post for three years after end prison sentence. In a joint letter to President Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan, HRHN members expressed their dismay and call for his release.
Belarusian authorities must stop persecution of human rights defender Leanid Sudalenka
60 independent human rights organisations in the Human Rights House Network call upon Belarusian authorities to stop the prosecution of the human rights defender Leanid Sudalenka, and to investigate the threats made against him and his family.
Release human rights defenders, journalists and activists
Members and partners of the Human Rights House Network and the South Caucasus Network of Human Rights Defenders are dismayed by the sentences upheld against human rights defender Rasul Jafarov and against human rights lawyer Intigam Aliyev, two prominent and internationally respected voices of the Azerbaijani civil society. They call upon the Azerbaijani President to put an end to the unprecedented repression against civil society and release human rights defenders, journalists and activists.
Призыв прекратить преследование правозащитника Леонида Судаленко
60 независимых правозащитных организаций Сети Домов прав человека призывают белорусские власти прекратить преследование правозащитника Леонида Судаленко и расследовать угрозы выдвинутые против него и его семьи.
Belarusian authorities must stop persecution of human rights defender Leanid Sudalenka
60 independent human rights organisations in the Human Rights House Network call upon Belarusian authorities to stop the prosecution of the human rights defender Leanid Sudalenka, and to investigate the threats made against him and his family.
Film screening about the missing opponents of Lukashenka’s regime
On 16 April the documentary film “The Gang”, telling about the disappeared Belarusian politicians and journalists, was screened in Vilnius. The screening was followed by the discussion with the film’s producer and well-known Belarusian human rights defender Ms. Raisa Mikhailovskaya. The presentation was organized by the Barys Zvozskau Belarusian Human Rights House, Freedom House and the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Lithuania.