“Справа Жамчужнага”: КДБ супраць “Платформы”?
Заснавальнік праваабарончай арганізацыі “Платформ інавэйшн” Міхаіл Жамчужны ў ліпені 2015 года быў асуджаны Віцебскім абласным судом на 6 гадоў пазбаўлення волі ў калоніі строгага рэжыму. 23 кастрычніка судовая калегія па крымінальных справах Вярхоўнага суда разгледзела касацыйную скаргу і прызначыла Жамчужнаму больш строгае пакаранне – шэсць з паловай гадоў пазбаўлення волі.
Priorities in shaping the strategy for relations with Belarus
We, the representative of the Belarusian human rights organisations, note that despite certain positive tendencies over the past six months, there have been no systemic changes aimed at a comprehensive improvement of the human rights situation in Belarus. In this context, we regard further improvement of the human rights situation as a top priority for both Belarusian human rights defenders and international partners in shaping the strategy for relations with Belarus.
Ledig Stilling: Prosjektøkonom til Human Rights House Foundation
Til en nyopprettet stilling søker vi nå en person som kan følge opp, analysere, rapportere og ivareta de kontraktsmessige forhold på våre prosjekter.
PACE resolutions: Why are they important for human rights defenders and NGOs?
HRHN welcomes PACE’s adoption on 28 January 2016 of two resolutions aimed at strengthening the protection and role of human rights defenders and preventing restrictions on NGOs.
The arrest of Ales Bialiatski’s property cancelled, as it was imposed “by mistake”
On 28 January, the human rights defender Ales Bialiatski received a letter from the department of compulsory execution of Minsk Partyzanski district in response to his appeal against a decision to arrest part of his Minsk apartment where he lives with his family.
Арышт з маёмасці Алеся Бяляцкага зняты, паколькі быў накладзены “памылкова”
28 студзеня праваабаронца атрымаў адказ з аддзела прымусовага выканання Партызанскага раёна г. Мінска, куды абскарджваў пастанову пра накладання арышту на долю ў кватэры, дзе ён пражывае з сям’ёй.
Constitutional crisis in Poland threatens rule of law
The Human Rights House Network is deeply concerned by the constitutional crisis in Poland, which threatens its status as an example of democracy and rule of law in Europe.
The new governing party, the Law and Justice (Prawo i Sprawiedliwość, PiS), is rapidly making, and planning changes to the Constitutional Tribunal, the public media, the Act on Police and the justice system.
Concerted position on international partners’ relations with Belarus
We, the representative of the Belarusian human rights organisations, note that despite certain positive tendencies over the past six months, there have been no systemic changes aimed at a comprehensive improvement of the human rights situation in Belarus. In this context, we regard further improvement of the human rights situation as a top priority for both Belarusian human rights defenders and international partners in shaping the strategy for relations with Belarus.
Узгодненая пазіцыя праваабаронцаў адносна стратэгіі ўзаемадзеяння міжнародных партнёраў з Беларуссю
Мы, прадстаўнікі праваабарончых арганізацый Беларусі, адзначаем, што нягледзячы на некаторыя пазітыўныя тэндэнцыі, якія назіраюцца ў краіне на працягу апошніх шасці месяцаў, сістэмных зменаў, накіраваных на якаснае змяненне сітуацыі ў галіне правоў чалавека, не адбылося. У сувязі з гэтым, лічым далейшае паляпшэнне сітуацыі з правамі чалавека галоўным прыярытэтам як у працы беларускіх праваабаронцаў, так і для міжнародных партнёраў пры вызначэнні стратэгіі ўзаемадзеяння з Беларуссю.
PACE Must Act: Protect human rights defenders, prevent NGO restrictions
PACE must address the shrinking space for civil society. It must adopt resolutions to strengthen the protection and role of human rights defenders, and to prevent restrictions on NGO activities, in an increasingly worrying environment in many Council of Europe countries, especially Azerbaijan and the Russian Federation. These were the conclusions of discussions at the NGO side event on 27 January.
HRW report 2016: ‘Politics of Fear’ Threatens Rights
Georgia’s human rights record remained uneven in 2015, according to the 659-page World Report 2016, its 26th edition, where Human Rights Watch reviews human rights practices in more than 90 countries.
Human Rights House Belgrade Premises Attacked
Belgrade, 22nd January 2016. – In the evening between 21st and 22nd of January, unidentified attackers broke windows in the Human Rights House in Belgrade. Police arrived at the crime scene and we expect prompt reaction on identifying and appropriately sanctioning the attackers.