Educational Human Rights House Chernihiv
Educational Human Rights House Chernihiv was established in Ukraine in 2014. Today the House unites 13 organisations.

Educational Human Rights House Chernihiv unites organisations, human rights defenders, and civil activists, who believe that education is an effective way to ensure human rights protection, which can secure long-term positive changes in the field of human rights protection and promotion.
Educational Human Rights House Chernihiv is a resource centre with accommodation facilities that provide a venue for educational events, conferences, seminars, workshops, exhibitions, etc. It also provides shelter for human rights defenders at risk.
Following Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, EHRHC has focused on providing support to civil society affected by war and documenting alleged war crimes.
In addition to being a member of the Network of Human Rights Houses, EHRHC is a member of Ukraine 5 AM Coalition, and Tribunal for Putin initiative.
EHRHC was established by a core group of organisations within the framework of the Ukraine-wide educational programme “Understanding Human Rights”.
Contact information
+380 462 610 508
AHALAR is a humanistic technologies centre, which develops and implements a programme that allows people to change themselves and the situation in their local communities.
Its main goal is to contribute to the formation of a harmonious, stable and democratic society in Ukraine.
Contact information
+380(0462) 93-4444
Center of civic education “Almenda” is a civil education center. After moving from Crimea due to the Russian annexation of the peninsula, CCE “Almenda” has mainly focused on monitoring and analyzing the situation with forced migrants from Crimea, especially in the sphere of education; working on awareness raising, educational and methodical work for human rights promotion and protection.
Contact information
Chernihiv public committee of human rights protection is a non-governmental organization focused on working with victims of torture and human trafficking, and conducting campaigns on these issues, provides free legal aid, works on protection of vulnerable groups and victims of human rights abuse, monitoring of election process and places with lack of freedom, ensuring of transparency and accountability in the authorities’ activity, empowering legal abilities and legal education for people.
Contact information
+38 (0462) 675-281
The “East-SOS” Charitable Foundation was established in spring 2014 as a response to the annexation of Crimea and armed hostilities in the eastern part of Ukraine, and to support the internally displaced persons from temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine and to inhabitants of zones near the collision line.
The “East-SOS” Charitable Foundation provides legal, psychological, humanitarian assistance, implements education, integration and adaptation activities, documents human rights violations in the conflict zone, performs advocacy work at all levels of governance, and supports the development of civil organizations and initiatives in eastern Ukraine.
Contact information
Human Rights Association FREERIGHTS (previously Association of Ukrainian human rights monitors on Law Enforcement / UMDPL) – is a non-governmental organisation focusing on key areas such as criminal justice and law enforcement (monitoring, public investigations, and the protection of activists) as well as addressing modern challenges—digital rights (personal data protection, human rights and technology).
Since 2022 the organisation has also prioritised participation in the collection, systematisation, and investigation of alleged war crimes committed by Russian military forces on Ukraine’s territory.
Contact information
+380(044) 253-40-36

NGO ‘MART’ (Monitoring Activity Results Team) started its work in 1998 but became a registered legal entity on April 14, 1999. The founders of the organization were young teachers and students of secondary schools in the city of Chernihiv. In 2014, according to new legislative requirements, the statute, the name, and structure of the governing bodies of the organization were changed.
‘MART’ is an independent, non-political, non-profit organisation in Chernihiv. The organisation seeks to develop civil society, facilitate training and education in the field of human rights, and provide monitoring and observance of human rights, advocacy campaigns which defend public interests through the protection of human rights. ‘
MART’ supports all possible legal means and protects victims of human rights violations, helping them to achieve justice. The organisation also disseminates information on the state of observance of human rights, contributes to strengthening the capacity of civil society organisations through expert and resource support, training and partner collaboration in actions to protect the public interest.
Contact information
+38(0462) 774 110
“Moloda Prosvita Prykarpattia” is a non-governmental organisation that was established in Ukraine in 1996. The main areas of work of the organisation are community development, popularization of civic education (including human rights education), and preservation of historical heritage. Since 2015, the organisation has documented human rights abuses in the course of armed hostilities in the eastern part of Ukraine, prepared educational and journalistic materials based on the data obtained, examined the availability of medical assistance during a military conflict and advocated for the implementation of the Istanbul Protocol in the educational process of medical higher education institutions in Ukraine.
Contact information
+380 506 787 602
Since early 2006 “No Borders” got concerned with to the issues of promotion of the freedom of movement, support and protection of asylum seekers and refugees in In cooperation with other NGOs No Borders project implemented a range of initiatives in this field, among them – a campaign against unlawful deportation of 11 Uzbeki asylum seekers from Ukraine back to Uzbekistan and organising the “No Border” Camp 2007 in Ukraine.
Contact information
The mission of the Postup human rights centre is the all-round human rights protection and development of human rights culture in Ukraine. The priority of the organisation’s activity since 2000 was rights and interests protection of children at risk. After the beginning of the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine, “Postup” has switched to a humanitarian centre “EAST-SOS” in order to support the victims of the conflict.
Contact information
+38(066) 705 12 57 +38(096) 371 18 47
Transcarpathian Public Center is a resource centre, that works on human rights education and education for political activists, controls the authorities’ activity. Its main goal is to develop civic community and support activists.
Contact information
+38 050 372 51 00
Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union promotes the development of humane society based on respect to human life, dignity and harmonious relations between a person, state and nature through the creation of a platform for cooperation between the members of the Union and other members of the human rights movement.
The main directions of UHHRU’s activity are: ongoing monitoring of human rights situation in Ukraine, legal assistance to victims of human rights violations, protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms in courts, protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms in courts, human rights research and analysis, resisting the adoption of normative acts, which could worsen human rights safeguards, human rights education, developing and providing support for the network of human rights NGOs in Ukraine.
Contact information
+38 (044) 485 17 92
ZMINA. Human Rights Center is a non-governmental organization which aims to promote human rights, rule of law, and the ideas of the civil society in Ukraine. The NGO was registered at the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on August 15, 2012. The organization’s mission is to work on the improvement of the human rights situation and the establishment of the rule of law in Ukraine. Organization’s values: Humaneness, Variety, Creativity, Development, Professionalism. ZMINA is engaged in awareness raising, educational, monitoring and advocacy activities in the field of human rights.
Contact information
+380(044) 482-39-86