When: Thursday, 29. November 2012 17:00-19:00
Where: Oslo, Uranienborgvn. 2
Host: Fritt Ord Foundation
More info: tibet.no/2012/11/fritt-ord-sitt-arrangement-i-oslo-den-29-november-tibet-%E2%80%93-et-brennende-%C3%B8nske-om-frihet/

The seminar and debate will be featuring the following participants:

Dhardon Sharling, Tibetan MP in exile, Dharamsala
Kate Saunders, Communications Director, International Campaign for Tibet, Washington, D.C.
Namkho, Tibetan eyewitness and documentarist
Shao Jiang, Chinese activist in exile and blogger, London

Tibetan despair under China’s oppressive rule has lasted for more than 60 years at this point. One of the most shocking forms of protest in the region involves the Tibetan monks who have set themselves on fire. Time Magazine ranked the story of the Tibetan monks’ self-immolations as the most underreported story of the year last year. The 50 fatalities also include civilian Tibetans. What is the situation in Tibet today? Which battles are being fought to preserve Tibetan identity and culture? What human rights do the Tibetans have under the Chinese authorities?

The event will be held in English.