When: Friday, 9. October 2009 9.30-17.00
Where: Oslo, Norwegian School of Sports and Science (Norges Idrettshøgskole)
Host: Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI) in conjunction with the Rafto Foundation for Human Rights, the South African Embassy to the Kingdom of Norway, the Norwegian School of Sports Science (NIH), the Norwegian Olympic and Paralympic Committee
Contact: (ah@nupi.no)
More info: www.rafto.no/?page=55&news=152

According to South Africa’s Bid book for the FIFA 2010 World Cup, development and reconciliation will be at focus during next year’s mega event.

But can sports contribute to development and reconciling people previously in conflict? Which conditions need to be present?

It is envisaged that the Conference will generate further academic discourse and interest in research on the role of sport in reconciliation and development.

Find the programme here.

Admission free. Registration in advance: ah@nupi.no