When: Monday, 27. February 2017 2 p.m. – 4 p.m
To: Monday, 27. February 2017
Where: Oslo, Litteraturhuset, Wergelandsveien 29
Contact: (info@solidarna.hr)
More info: www.surveymonkey.com/r/REGISTER_Croatia_roundtable


Maria Dahle, Director of the Human Rights House Foundation

Sandra Benčić, Center for Peace Studies, Croatia, member of Foundation SOLIDARNA Board

Sanja Sarnavka, Human Rights House Zagreb  

Marina Škrabalo, Director of SOLIDARNA Foundation, GONG senior advisor and member of EESC

This will be a first-hand opportunity for the Norwegian public, policy-makers and human rights defenders to learn about the challenging struggle for democracy and human rights in Croatia, pursued by creative initiatives such as transnational artist initiative Kulturnjaci2016, humanitarian-advocacy coalition Refugees Welcome and Are You Syrious?, trade-union-civil alliance for education reform Croatia Can Do Better, sexual and reproductive rights defenders ZG PRIDE and Defend the Right to Choice and SOLIDARNA Foundation, the very first Croatian foundation established by human rights defenders themselves.