When: Sunday, 31. October 2010 16.00
Where: Oslo, In front of the Norwegian Parliament
Host: 8 Norwegian NGOs
Contact: Bjørn Engesland, the Norwegian Helsinki Committee (engesland@nhc.no / 957 53 350)
More info: www.nhc.no/php/index.php?module=article&view=1020

Strategy 31 is a spontaneous and broad civil-Russian movement since 31 July 2009, which holds rallies to demand democracy in Russia. The purpose is to promote and defend the right to hold peaceful demonstrations. “31” – is the reference to the Article 31 of the Russian Constitution, which states that everyone has the right to gather peacefully to hold demonstrations and commemorations. Lack of freedom of assembly has become an important symbol for claims of democracy and respect for human rights in Russia.

The campaign is supported by the following organizations in Norway: Amnesty International Norway, Bellona, the Norwegian Helsinki Committee, Human Rights House Foundation, Norwegian PEN, Anti-racist Center, Norwegian Mission to the East and the Centre for Studies of Holocaust and Religious Minorities.

In Moscow the demonstrators gather on 31 day of each month  on Triumfalnaya Square. Until now there has not been given a permission to keep the markup, and participants are routinely arrested. It is given a limited license to the event in Moscow this Sunday. The celebration also happens in many other cities in Russia. Among the initiators is the head of the Moscow Helsinki Group, Lyudmila Alekseeva in 82 years. Alekseeva was herself arrested on New Year’s Eve, and has urged Norwegians to join the campaign by highlighting solidarity actions here. We gather in front of Parliament while protestors gathered on Triumfalnaya Square in Moscow.