When: Thursday, 23. September 2010 10am (Norwegian time)
Where: Bergen, Rafto Human Rights House
Host: Rafto Foundation
Contact: (rafto(at)rafto.no / +47 55 21 09 30.)
More info: www.rafto.no/?page=55&news=170

The Rafto Prize, awarded in memory of Professor Thorolf Rafto, is awarded to an individual or organisation that embodies and upholds the principles of the Human Rights Charter through activism or engagement.

Formal criteria for selection of the laureate
1) A recipient should be an active participant in the struggle for the ideals and principles underlying the Human Rights Charter.
2) A candidate’s struggle for human rights should represent a non-violent perspective.

3) A recipient may be a person or an organisation, and two or more recipients may share the prize.

Responsible for selection of the laureate
The Rafto Human Rights Laureate is selected by the Board of The Rafto Foundation.

The Rafto Prize Ceremony
The Rafto Human Rights Laureate will be honoured at a ceremony and concert to be held on Sunday 7 November 2010, at the National Venue of Theatre in Bergen, Norway.

The Rafto Prize Symposium
Issues of particular concern to the Rafto Human Rights Laureate will be presented and discussed at an open symposium, to be held on Friday 5 October 2010, at the Grand in Bergen, Norway.

More information about the events relating to the 2010 Rafto Human Rights Prize will be available in October.