When: Thursday, 29. October 2009
To: Thursday, 10. December 2009
Where: West Norway
Host: Amnesty International
Contact: (vest@amnesty.no)
More info: www.amnesty.no/web.nsf/pages/17563D03A5D3E1C7C1257641003641AC

Shell’s activities and pollution destroys the natural environment and the livelihoods of local people. Please watch the movie here: http://www.protectthehuman.com/shell

On 29 October, campaign activists are taking action to on the various Shell stations! Welcome to you too!

The goal is to get to 15 actions in the Western Region until 10 December.

Tuesday 03 November: Nini, Ann-Elizabeth and Julie meet on Shell Natland at 14:00.
Thursday 05 November: representatives from Amnesty Student Bergen on Shell Fjøsanger at 14.00
Tuesday 11 November: Birgitte, Gilda and Juliet at Shell Storetveit Ben at 14.00.

Want to join us? Send an email to vest@amnesty.no with name, contact info and which of the actions you want to be part of.

If you want actions at a different time, just gather a group and select a station. Here are the stations you can choose from:

Shell Lagoon Park
Shell Delete Bakken
Shell Varden
Shell Indre Arna
Shell Bones
Shell Stavenes (Voss)
Shell Gudvangen (Voss)
Shell Førde
Shell Sogndal
Shell Kaupanger
Shell Vik

Send an email to vest@amnesty.no with the names of to-be-activists, which station you are going to, and time. You receive action guidance and equipment.

Want to know more about Shell-actions? See Amnesty’s description (in Norwegian and English).

Do you know anyone else who would like to contribute in action? Spread the word! We want as many people as possible!



Mail to vest@amnesty.no.