When: Thursday, 26. November 2009 19:00
Where: Bergen, Egget på Studentsenteret i Bergen
Host: Amnesty International Region West
Contact: (tclifford@amnesty.no, / 99 22 64 88)
More info: www.amnesty.no/web.nsf/pages/7770BC595E032ED0C125767300773CAF

“My name is Kerry Max Cook. In 1977, I was wrongly arrested for the brutal rape and murder of 21 year-old Linda Jo Edwards. I was sentenced to death. I am one of the longest tenured death row prisoners in US history to be released. I spent 22 years in Texas’ notorious death house, enduting the most inhumane conditions imaginable. On Friday, April 16, 1999, DNA evidence clearly exonerated me of this tragic crime.”