The first offering of the Advocacy Training Programme will focus on advocacy capacity building at the Council of Europe. It will combine online webinars, an in-person workshop including a study visit, and follow-up mentoring. The programme will bring together selected 10-15 advocates and human rights defenders looking to build skills and expertise in Council of Europe advocacy. Priority will be given to advocates and human rights defenders from the network of Human Rights Houses. The programme is designed for junior- to mid-level individuals from the network.
While the programme is open to all human rights defenders and advocates from the network of Human Rights Houses, HRHF can fund only selected participants from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia and Ukraine.
The Advocacy Training Programme will provide the selected 10-15 advocates and human rights defenders with a unique opportunity to develop advocacy skills and successfully engage with Council of Europe instruments and mechanisms. Additionally, participants will strengthen collaboration with HRHF and the network on joint domestic or international advocacy strategies. Participants will be invited to share their experiences and will benefit from a follow-up mentoring and opportunity to create collaborative projects
The Advocacy Training Programme encompasses:
- Online kick-off meeting and on-boarding session organised in the week of 15 May 2023.
- Online webinar on Fundamentals of Advocacy during the week of 29 May 2023.
- Pre-workshop webinar on Council of Europe institutional structure exchange with experts and trainers during the week of 18 September.
- In-person workshop in Strasbourg from 9-13 October 2023: with training modules, attendance of the PACE summer session and hands-on meetings with CoE interlocutors.
- Follow-up support of individuals and groups through the end of 2023.
Participants will be selected based on:
- Clear motivation to improve knowledge and develop skills in the area of the Council of Europe advocacy.
- Job responsibility or previous experience in the area of (human rights) advocacy.
- Commitment to actively engage in the sessions and exchange with other participants, experts and organisers throughout the entire duration of the Training.
- Commitment to transfer the newly acquired knowledge, skills and competencies to colleagues and fellow human rights defenders and continue working closely with the network and Foundation.
- Good command of English (interpretation will not be provided during the training).
Participants will be awarded a certificate of completion upon their participation in the Advocacy Training Programme. All components of the Advocacy Training Programme are obligatory; though a limited absence may be tolerated.

Apply by 16 April 2023
In order to apply for the 2023 Human Rights House Network Advocacy Training, please fill out the online Application Form and include a copy of the Endorsement Form signed by your supervisor, by 16 April 2023.
Applicants will be informed about the status of their application after the selection process has been concluded no later than May 2023. Selected candidates will receive an invitation to register for the Training Programme.