

March 26, 2024

Joint Statement on the European Commission’s 2024 Rule of Law Report

Human Rights House Foundation joins several international CSOs led by European Partnership for Democracy calling on the European Commission to strengthen the effectiveness of the rule of law dialogue, improve the impact of reporting and take decisive action against systematic human rights violations in the EU Member States.

March 25, 2024

HRC55: Azerbaijan must ensure that all citizens can enjoy fundamental rights and freedoms

On 25 March 2024, Human Rights House Foundation delivered a statement highlighting the human rights situation in Azerbaijan during the country’s UPR adoption at the 55th session of the UN Human Rights Council.

March 25, 2024

HRC55: Russian civil society faces unprecedented challenges

On 25 March 2024, Human Rights House Foundation delivered a statement highlighting the human rights situation in the Russian Federation during the country’s UPR adoption at the 55th session of the UN Human Rights Council.

March 20, 2024

HRC55: Council should establish an investigative mechanism on Belarus to build on work of OHCHR Examination

On 20 March 2024, Human Rights House Foundation delivered a statement at the 55th session of the UN Human Rights Council highlighting the Belarusian authorities’ ongoing crackdown against civil society and urging Council member states to support the establishment of an investigative mechanism aimed at accountability.

March 19, 2024

HRC55: The situation for Ukrainians abducted, forcibly displaced or imprisoned by Russia

On 19 March 2024, Human Rights House Foundation delivered a statement at the 55th session of the UN Human Rights Council, highlighting the situation for Ukrainian civilians abducted, forcibly displaced, as well as imprisoned by Russia in the context of its ongoing full-scale invasion of Ukraine

March 15, 2024

INGOs urge HRC Member States to support Belarus mechanisms

In a joint letter delivered on 13 March 2024, Human Rights House Foundation and several international and Belarusian civil society organisations urged Human Rights Council Member States to support the renewal of the Special Rapporteur on Belarus, and the establishment of an independent accountability mechanism to build upon and take forward the work of the OHCHR Examination on Belarus.

March 13, 2024

Fellesposisjon på menneskerettigheter til statsbudsjett 2025

I anledning av regjeringens første konferanse om statsbudsjettet for 2025, har Human Rights House Foundation, sammen med Amnesty International Norge, Raftostiftelsen, den norske Hesingforskomité, Menneskerettighetsfondet og SAIH sendt et brev der vi understreker betydningen av å øke støtten til menneskerettighetsarbeid globalt.

March 3, 2024

Belarus: One-year anniversary of unjust verdicts against Viasna members

One year ago, Nobel Peace Prize laureate Ales Bialiatski, FIDH Vice-President Valiantsin Stefanovic and Viasna lawyer Uladzimir Labkovich were sentenced to ten, nine and seven years of imprisonment on fabricated charges, respectively. Several organisations, including HRHF, and led by The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders (FIDH-OMCT) demand their immediate and unconditional release, and call on the international community to use all available diplomatic, political and other means at its disposal to urge the Belarusian authorities to respect the rule of law and to free all those convicted under politically motivated charges.

February 27, 2024

Russian authorities should immediately release Oleg Orlov – Russian and international human rights groups

Russian and international human rights organisations, including Human Rights House Foundation, condemn Moscow’s Golovinsky District Court’s sentencing today of Oleg Orlov, co-chair of Human Rights Defense Center Memorial, to 2 years and 6 months in prison on politically motivated charges of “repeatedly discrediting” Russia’s armed forces.