HRC: States must maintain attention on Crimea
On 8 January 2025, Human Rights House Foundation delivered an intersession statement at the UN Human Rights Council urging states to ensure consistent monitoring and reporting of the human rights situation in Crimea, to advocate for the release of all political prisoners and for access for independent monitors of detention facilities, and to continue to support the work of international accountability mechanisms.
Georgia: Urgent Appeal to Halt the Extradition of Azerbaijani Journalist Afgan Sadigov
HRHF joins international human rights organisations led by IPHR in urging the Georgian authorities to halt the extradition of Azerbaijani Journalist Afgan Sadigov, as well as to ensure the protection of him and his family.
Georgian authorities must immediately halt use of unlawful force against protestors
In a joint statement, Human Rights House Foundation and members of the Network of Human Rights Houses urge the Georgian authorities to take immediate action to the violent crackdown on protestors, protect the right to peaceful assembly, and comply with international law. Additionally, we call on the international community to condemn these violations, pressure Georgian authorities to end police violence and the use of ill-treament against protestors, and work with Georgian human rights defenders to address documented violations and ensure accountability.
EU Leaders Should Raise Human Rights Crisis in Azerbaijan during COP29
Human Rights House Foundation joins a joint-statement from INGOs led by Human Rights Watch urging EU leaders to press the Azerbaijani Authorities to end its renewed and intensified crackdown on critical voices and independent civil society.
Human rights violations, reprisals and accountability – Our work at HRC57
At the 57th UN Human Rights Council, Human Rights House Foundation (HRHF) worked alongside civil society partners to highlight the situation for human rights in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and the Balkans.
HRC57: Human rights in Russian-occupied Crimea
On 8 October 2024, Human Rights House Foundation delivered a statement at the 57th session of the UN Human Rights Council urging states to ensure that violations committed within the context of the Russian occupation of Crimea remain a priority on the agenda of the Council.
WHDC: Human rights crisis in Azerbaijan
On 2 October 2024, Human Rights House Foundation issued a statement at the Warsaw Human Dimension Conference, highlighting the intensified crackdown on civil society in Azerbaijan over the last year, nothing the case of Anar Mammadli as emblematic of the situation.
HRC57: Reprisals against human rights defenders
On 27 September 2024, Human Rights House Foundation (HRHF) addressed the 57th session of the UN Human Rights Council, calling for the release of political prisoners in Azerbaijan and Belarus, detained in retaliation for their human rights work. HRHF also highlighted its designation as an “undesirable organisation” by the Russian Federation as a reprisal for its UN-focused advocacy.
HRC57: INGOs call on states to ensure full cooperation with the International Criminal Court
On 24 September 2024, the International Bar Association Human Rights Institute delivered a joint statement at HRC57 on behalf of INGOs including Human Rights House Foundation. In its statement, the INGOs condemned widespread violations of human rights and international law in the context of Russian aggression against Ukraine, and called for all States to ensure full cooperation with the International Criminal Court.