

June 2, 2008

Belarus: Harassment of human rights defender Leanid Svetsik

The harassment of the human rights defender Leanid Svetsik causes concern.

March 12, 2008

Armenian authorities must investigate clashes between police and demonstrators

The use of lethal force against peaceful demonstrators by the Armenian police causes deep concern.

November 13, 2007

HRH conference concerned over HR situation in East and Horn of Africa

The ´Civil society at a crossroads: Sustaining human rights organisations in the East and Horn of Africa´ conference, that closed in Nairobi today, issued a strong expression of concern about the human rights situation in the region. In addition to the general observations of discrimination, intimidation, harassment and outright attacks on human rights defenders, the conference also addressed country-specific issues in the Republic of Somalia, Republic of the Sudan, Republic of Uganda, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and State of Eritrea and Republic of Kenya.

October 14, 2004

Human rights defenders need stronger international support and protection

To prevent the perpetration of violations against defenders and the consequent worsening of human rights situations, the Human Rights House Network and the participants at the Anniversary conference in Oslo 13-14 October 2004 address national governments, regional bodies and international organisations, with a number of urgent recommendations.