A common statement on human rights in Azerbaijan
In spite of the Republic of Azerbaijan being a member of the Council of Europe for almost ten years the lack of democracy, a fair judicial system, free media and a free civil society is imminent. Several national and international human rights organizations draw the attention to the serious human rights violations taking place in the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Journalist beaten up and illegally obstructed from carrying out professional activities
On January 22, 2010 journalist Saba Tsitsikashvili, regional correspondent of Human Rights Center and the editor of a regional newspaper “Kartlis Khma” (Voice of Kartli) was subjected to abuse and harassment by regional security guards in Shida Kartli. The guards abused Tsitsikashvili physically and verbally and obstructed him from carrying out his professional activities.
Arbitrary treatment of civilians in Nakhchivan
The South Caucasus Network of Human Rights Defenders strongly condemns the actions of law enforcement organs of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic against peaceful civilians. On December 27, 2009, during a religious ceremony, the residents of Julfa district Bananiyar village in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic were subjected to physical pressure by the police.
Anniversary of Russian HR lawyer and journalist commemorated
Amnesty International, the Norwegian Helsinki Committee and Human Rights House Foundation have issued a joint letter, commemorating the 1st anniversary of the killings of the prominent Russian human rights lawyer Stanislav Markelov, right, and the Novaya Gazeta journalist Anastasia Baburova. Follow the link to the letter, right.
NGOs in Georgia condemn the smear campaign against human rights defenders in the country
15 January, 2009
Non-governmental organizations in Georgia are deeply concerned by a smear campaign against human rights defenders and NGOs which surfaced in Georgia in December 2009. We are particularly concerned by the fact that those media and political figures used sensitive topics such as the Russia-Georgia war, ethno-territorial conflicts, minorities etc., to manipulate the public and mislead them in respect of human rights defenders and their work.
Urgent appeal – the Observatory
The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, a joint programme of the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) and the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), requests your urgent intervention in the following situation in Georgia.
Зварот аб выкраданні актывістаў
Сябры Сеткі Дамоў правоў чалавека занепакоеныя паведамленнямі аб ажыццяўленні выкраданняў маладзёвых актывістаў, якія адбываліся ў Беларусі апошнім часам. Відавочная сувязь паміж некалькімі падобнымі інцыдэнтамі, таксама тое, што супрацьпраўныя дзеянні супраць маладых людзей чыніліся не з мэтай вымагання грошай. Асаблівую трывогу выклікаюць падазрэнні ў задзейнічанні ў гэтых выкраданнях супрацоўнікаў міліцыі і КДБ.
Abduction of activists
Members of the Human Rights House Network are alarmed by recent reports of abductions of youth activists in the Republic of Belarus. These incidents appear to be a new and intimidating tool for harassment of Belarusian activists, who in an organised manner or independently demonstrate their opposition to the rule of the government of Republic of Belarus. As such, they represent a violation of the freedom of expression as well as the right to assembly and association.
Зварот аб выкраданні актывістаў
Сябры Сеткі Дамоў правоў чалавека занепакоеныя паведамленнямі аб ажыццяўленні выкраданняў маладзёвых актывістаў, якія адбываліся ў Беларусі апошнім часам. Выкраданні з’яўляюцца новым інструментам запалохвання актывістаў, якія арганізавана і адкрыта становяцца ў апазіцыю да цяперашніх беларускіх уладаў. Ціск на іх – гэта парушэнне свабоды слова, права на свабоду сходаў і аб’яднанняў.