

October 5, 2010

Call to condemn government of Nepal for failure to ensure Tibetans’ right to vote

October 3 was the day for all the Tibetans in exile all over the world to exercise their right to vote. All the Tibetans in exile went to cast their ballots to nominate candidates for the post of Tibetan Prime Minister and the Tibetan Parliament-in-exile.

September 26, 2010

Concern about deteriorating freedom of expression situation

On 23 September, the participants of the Annual Meeting of the Human Rights House Network in Vilnius adopted a statement on the Republic of Azerbaijan, calling the country authorities to take measures to meet international human rights and, particularly, freedom of expression obligations.

September 25, 2010

Call upon the UN HRC to strengthen freedom of association

The participants of the 2010 Human Rights House Network (HRHN) Annual Meeting call upon the Member States of the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council to strengthen freedom of association and peaceful assembly by establishing a Special Procedure´s mandate.

September 25, 2010

Зварот у ААН па свабодзе аб’яднанняў

Участники Ежегодной встречи Сети домов прав человека 2010 года призывают государства-члены Совета по правам человека ООН к укреплению свободы ассоциаций и мирных собраний посредством создания мандата специальных процедур.

September 24, 2010

Заклік да ўладаў Беларусі аб выкананні абавязанняў па забеспячэнні правоў чалавека

22-23 сентября 2010 года в Вильнюсе, Литва, Сеть домов прав человека проводит свою ежегодную встречу. 22 сентября участники встречи приняли заявление по ситуации с правами человека в Беларуси.

September 22, 2010

Call upon Belarus to take urgent measures to meet international human rights standards

On 22-23 September 2010, the Human Rights House Network holds its annual meeting in Vilnius, Lithuania. On 22 September, the participants in the meeting adopted a statement on the human rights situation in the Republic of Belarus.

September 14, 2010

Alleged ill-treatment/ Threats/ Violations of due process/ Fear for safety

The International Secretariat of OMCT has been informed by the Human Rights Center (HRIDC), a member of OMCT SOS Network, that Mr. Vakhtang Maisaia, a political scientist and military expert, who was arrested for espionage on 5 May 2009, was severely beaten on 24 August 2010 in Gldani Prison #8 in Tbilisi.

August 23, 2010

The South Caucasus Network of HRD condemns the illegal arrest of peace protestors in Tbilisi

Members of the South Caucasus Network of Human Rights Defenders condemn the arrest of the participants of a peaceful flash mob action held on 14th of August on George W. Bush street in Tbilisi. The action was organized by young poets, Irakli Kakabadze, Shota Gagarin and Alex Chigviladze. Participants demanded renaming the street after the name of the famous American poet and humanists Walt Whitman and read poems by Whitman during the action.

July 30, 2010

Re: political prisoners. Open letter to the Council of Europe and European Union officials

To: The President of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly, Mr. Mevlüt Çavusoglu The Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Mr. Thorbjørn Jagland The Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights Mr. Thomas Hammarberg The President of the European Commission Mr. José Manuel Barroso The President of the European Parliament Mr. Jerzy Buzek