Human Rights House Tbilisi requests investigation into the case of the lawyer Giorgi Mdinaradze
Human Rights House Tbilisi and its member organizations condemn physical assault of Giorgi Mdinaradze, lawyer at the Tbilisi State Legal Aid Service.
Release human rights defenders, journalists and activists
Members and partners of the Human Rights House Network and the South Caucasus Network of Human Rights Defenders are dismayed by the sentences upheld against human rights defender Rasul Jafarov and against human rights lawyer Intigam Aliyev, two prominent and internationally respected voices of the Azerbaijani civil society. They call upon the Azerbaijani President to put an end to the unprecedented repression against civil society and release human rights defenders, journalists and activists.
Призыв прекратить преследование правозащитника Леонида Судаленко
60 независимых правозащитных организаций Сети Домов прав человека призывают белорусские власти прекратить преследование правозащитника Леонида Судаленко и расследовать угрозы выдвинутые против него и его семьи.
Belarusian authorities must stop persecution of human rights defender Leanid Sudalenka
60 independent human rights organisations in the Human Rights House Network call upon Belarusian authorities to stop the prosecution of the human rights defender Leanid Sudalenka, and to investigate the threats made against him and his family.
Political leaders in Georgia must stop slandering human rights NGOs
Members and partners of the Human Rights House Network and the South Caucasus Network of Human Rights Defenders call upon political leaders in Georgia to stop slandering non-governmental organisations with unfounded accusations and suggestions that their work would harm the country. Since October 2013, public verbal attacks against human rights organisations by leading political figures in Georgia have increased. The situation is starting to resemble to an anti-civil society campaign.
Human Rights House Tbilisi statement
Human Rights House Tbilisi and its member organizations condemn screening the photo-video footage of violence to the underage children. It is absolutely inadmissible to show the photo and video footage of the prison scenes on torture and other cruelties to the adults of the age from 12 to 18. If their participation is confirmed in the event, it can be qualified as violence against children. In addition to that, the fact of showing such violent footage can traumatize under age children and also, there is a risk of simulation of the violent act by them. The state shall take measures to protect children from the information that harms their well-being (which is guaranteed by the Article 17 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child).
Statement of Civil Society Organizations about Oppression from Government
We are concerned about the oppression on civil society organizations. Crack-down on the part of CSOs, who aim to defend democratic values, promote freedom and equality as well as creation of European systems of the governance, has become particularly active lately.
OSGF open letter on human rights defenders in Georgia
Former Prime Minister statement not in line with the practice of democratic governance.
Azerbaijan must stop its suppression of civil society
46 NGOs from 10 Human Rights Houses call upon Azerbaijan to stop the on going suppression of civil society, as Azerbaijan’s chairmanship of the Council of Europe ends. The NGOs further call for the immediately and unconditionally release all civil society actors currently detained due to their engagement for human rights and for raising critics against Azerbaijan’s authorities, including and especially human rights defenders Leyla Yunus and her husband Arif Yunus, Rasul Jafarov, and Intigam Aliyev. Anar Mammadli and Bashir Suleymanli must also be released