Seminar on the HR situation in Iran
Under the presidency of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the HR situation in Iran has gone from bad to worse. In 2008, 346 people were executed in the country. Among them were also children.
Літва і Беларусь: палітыкі нармалізацыі. Адкрытая дыскусія
У межах адкрытай дыскусіі выступяць маладыя акадэмікі і актывісты з Літвы (Дайва Рапечкайце, Ніда Васіляускайце, Кароліс Клімка) і Беларусі (Яўгенія Іванова, Аляксей Крывалап, Алена Мінчэня, Зміцер Герыловіч), якія паспрабуюць асэнсаваць парадоксы беларускай улады, правілы (дзяржаўнага) клопату ў Беларусі, эфекты “натуральнай” канцэпцыі літоўскай сям’і, паняцце “правільнага” грамадзянства ў Літве.
Russian president meets Council for Promoting Civil Society and Human Rights
On March, the 15th Russian President Dmitry Medvedev held a meeting with the members of the presidential Council for Promoting Civil Society and Human Rights. Within the meeting a wide range of problems has being discussed including courts ‘ independence, attacks on human rights activists and journalists, ecology issues, youth problems, relations between authorities and NGOs etc.
Annual Meeting of Human Rights House Network
More than 40 Human Rights House Network members and observers from 18 countries will gather to the annual meeting in Oslo.
EHAHRDP and Protection International security training
The Protection Desk Uganda(PDU), a collaborative initiative between the East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project(EHAHRDP) and Protection International (PI), will be holding a two-day training in security management in Uganda on the 17th and 18th April.